dj zombie; search results

Jul 31, 2010 19:07


Below are the results of your Network search in public information for DJ Zombie.

Name: "DJ Zombie"
(related searches: DJ Zombie, DJZ, the deejay, neutral radio, neutral news, local music, independent thought, free brains, etc.)

Information Found:
Age: unknown
Appearance: unconfirmed: rumoured to have dark eyes, blue hair in dreadlocks, and to be of mixed Asian descent
Birthdate: Unknown.
Home: Unknown.
Occupation: Radio DJ, playing local music and hosting a call-in show
Contact Information: The only method of contacting DJ Zombie is through his call-in radio show. Messages can be sent via NV when he posts. No contact box available.

Other Information:
~ DJ Zombie is an independent, neutral radio personality. He runs a semi-frequent radio show entitled "Free Brains" that hosts both local music and a call-in show that exposes various scandals and shares information freely.
~ Though both factions have been doing their best to find DJ Zombie in order to silence him, due to the exposee nature of a lot of his shows, as yet he has been unable to be located.
~ While DJ Zombie makes frequent jokes about being dead or eating brains or other human body parts, it is unconfirmed if he is really a member of the living dead.
~ Rumors have circulated that DJ Zombie recently entered a relationship. Efforts have been made to find his significant other in order to force him into the open. Attempts have been unsuccessful.
~ No one is sure how he manages to successfully evade the factions, though popular opinion assumes that he may actually be a zombie, and that this may allow him to slip away safely during Darkness.
~ DJ Zombie's show, Free Brains, is an allusion to independent thought, and is not hosted by either faction, or the government - in fact, it isn't even listed as being supported by any of the news outlets in the City.
~ It is speculated that this lack of sponsorship of his show may be due to the neutral news outlets protecting him. Another popular speculation is that DJ Zombie's irregular broadcasts and constantly changing frequencies implies that he hacks his way into the news system every time he chooses to broadcast. Neither is confirmed.

dj zombie, neutral, free brains

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