(no subject)

Oct 28, 2008 10:06

Although I normally prefer to keep my opinions to myself where politics are concerned, I feel like I need to speak up on this issue, because I'm actually becoming quite fearful about what I see as the proliferation of a failed economic philosophy that is gaining support in our country.  We need to see this philosophy for what it is.

Although I could've ignored Barack Obama's claim to ol' Joe the Plumber that it's "good for everybody" when we "spread the wealth around," and Joe Biden's comment about how it's "patriotic" to pay more taxes, it's become quite apparent to me through new information that's being uncovered that Barack Obama and his ilk are-when you get right down to it-unapologetic socialists.  The sheer number of times that both of them have commented on the issue, and their confirmations of what they are talking about, lead me to conclude that we can not just write off these statements as poor choices of words.

As far as I can tell, Obama, Biden, and their supporters actually believe that spreading the wealth around (redistributing it) is good for our country, and will help our economy.  Apparently, there are no economists among this group, or else someone would recall the clear evidence provided by history:  higher taxes stifle economic growth, cause higher unemployment rates, and are just generally detrimental for everyone involved.

Although Obama says he'll "cut taxes for 95% of Americans" (and this claim ignores his proposed devastating capital gains tax increase, among other things), most of the supposed "tax credits" he proposes are refundable-this makes them not just "credits" but hand-outs.  Even those with no tax liability-those who don't even pay taxes-will get that money from the government if they meet the criteria for those particular "credits."  What this amounts to is the confiscation of money from the "haves" so that it can be redistributed to the "have-nots"-or as Karl Marx put it, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."  Now, please don't misunderstand me.  That sounds great in theory.  Who wouldn't want to help their fellow man out, if they have the ability?  I certainly do.  The problem, though, is that this will never work in practice, if it is left up to the government.  History proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt.  I support charities both domestic and overseas, and indeed see the problems of poverty, hunger, health care and more as the problems of the Church more than the problems of the government.  The problem, of course, is that government always proves itself an utter failure as the handler of social problems, because it is polluted with selfishness and greed.  Obama and the rest want to be generous with our money, but the problem is that we'd do a hell of a lot more good if we were able to contribute our money to charities that haven't succumbed to corruption, as our government has.

In the first video below, Obama says that he agrees with the Warren court's view of the Constitution that it is a "charter of negative liberties" which "says what the states can't do to you, what the federal government can't do to you, but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf."  Of course, if you ever took a middle-school government class, you might remember that the founding fathers wanted the smallest government possible because they realized that government, though necessary to preserve liberties, also threatens personal liberty when it grows too large.  The rest of the videos just give a little more insight into Obama's socialist economic philosophy... one that will be absolutely devastating to our country if he and his cronies are allowed to enact the changes he desires.




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