2006 has this new year smell that just reeks of opportunity.
Even though I'm out of a job I'm still in good spirits... but I guess that will all depend if I can keep my bank account from flatlining. Helping me with that process is my new 'Poll Clerk' position for the upcoming election (Remember to vote!), which I'm studying for very hard because I'm taking this particular election very very seriously.
Well despite the lack of incoming income, I still splurged yesterday and bough Hercules Season 1 for a extremely cheap $16.99 at Music World.
Which of course I watched a good chunk of it last night. The DVD is 7 Discs and 1 CD-Rom and features the 5 pilot movies and the 13 episodes from Season 1. I got through the movies last night... no Autolycus in season 1, but Xena and Salmonius both appear.
I also put my site online (again), although this time its on a free hosting site. It will do until I have the stead income to register domain names and get proper webspace.The Html part is all but done... the flash part should just be ignored for now.
http://thepuffytaco.mychost.com Also you can check out my Spreadshop - T-shirt set-up, but don't order anything until I do some final touches on the align of the pictures on the shirts.
http://www.spreadshirt.com/shop.php?sid=20613 Oh... don't forget to watch 'My Name Is Earl' on its new day... TONIGHT @ 9pm!!!