The more I read about this bailout and the earmarks, the more it just pisses me the fuck off. Despite dedicating a majority of my free time volunteering as a Neighborhood Team Leader for Obama, there are two things that I have strongly disagreed with him on in the last couple of months. The first was his vote on FISA and now this bailout. NASCAR? Wooden arrows? Come the fuck on. If you really wanted to sweeten the deal, you could've started by finding a way to help those that genuinely need the help, like my 90-year old fellow Ohioan who was pushed to the brink by predatory lenders and who decided that committing suicide was a more honorable way to leave her house than for the sheriff to evict her. It was only after she tried, UNSUCCESSFULLY, to kill herself that the new taxpayer-owned/government run Fannie Mae decided to completely write off her mortgage debt and give her her freaking house. Yes, she deserved help, but it should not have come at such a cost. To borrow a phrase, consider my shit gripped.