Nov 18, 2011 19:51
It isn't often that I get a garden variety cold. I've been pretty successful at avoiding them since I started getting more sleep and taking vitamins.
That is until last week.
Yes, the sonic death cold virus has evolved and attacked again. And after missing literally a week of work due to a fever that would not break I am finally feeling better.
Some tips from my experience for when the next evil cold virus strikes:
1. Find the nearest pharmacy and get some allergy medicine with a D (decongestant). Yes, you have to show your ID and all that, but it is more powerful than the OTC cold remedies. Also if you are really old school, Benadryl apparently is what we used to get in a lot of cold medicines. You can still buy it and the generic name is Diphenhydramine. Boy do I miss the old Contac. Not even the Benadryl worked as well as that did. Some of the 24 hr Allergy D meds may keep you awake at night, so the 12 hour is best. Benadryl is for 4-6 hours. Asking the pharmacist is always a good idea if you don't already have a favorite in mind.
2. Buy Kleenex with the lotion in it, I went through about 3 boxes of Kleenex and my nose would have preferred the lotion.
3. If you are "chasing a fever", meaning it comes back when the Tylenol/Advil/Aspirin/Aleve wears off for more than a few (2-3) days, go see your doctor. (Or a walk in clinic at least) And if it is over 102 call them that day. With kids you may want to be more cautious. My situation initially looked like just a garden variety virus but after 8 days of fever my doctor decided it might be more than one thing going on and antibiotics were prescribed. I have read a lot lately about how important it is to find a good Family Doctor and actually make a point to go see them. In the long term it ends up making your access to health care a lot easier because you have someplace to go. At least in theory, without the whole insurance debate.
4. Find a way to sleep. Without sleep for 3 days I was really out of it. Even watching TV at that point took too much energy. I was one crabby beyatchski. This does require not taking the 24 hour Decongestant that usually comes with a stimulant of some kind.
5. And the typical drink lots of fluids recommendation is important since you're mostly blowing it right out your nose. I seriously dislike orange and apple juice because of drinking mostly those two as a kid. I think water is ok but when you are sick getting actual nutrients in juice is more important since you probably don't feel like eating. Good old Campbell’s chicken noodle soup still doesn't disappoint.
6. The idea of a humidifier is an interesting one, but more applicable if you are actually able to clear your nose and breathe. If you can't breathe through your nose, it may not make a difference. A humidifier on the heating system will work, but your windows may fog up. This is also helpful if like me you have a sore scratchy throat.
7. I have also had it recommended that a warm salt water gargle is helpful with a sore throat. I can't really resolve how that is possible because it sounds both completely gross and potentially like rubbing salt in an open wound, which is what my throat felt like.
8. Avoid going out if you can. I found that I could force myself to go to work, get things done and seem all cheerful to those around me but then when I got home I felt 2x worse. Plus it isn't really fair to get the people you work with sick too.
Any other suggestions I missed? Leave a comment:
allergy medications,
help a cold,
cold virus,
cold and flu,
what to try,