More ZZZZZ political stuff

Feb 08, 2008 11:01

It's been pretty apparent this year that Republicans are not happy with their presidential candidates, and equally clear that Democrats are thrilled with theirs. McCain has emerged as the Republican candidate, yet I don't know a single Republican who's happy about that. The Republican party right now is a couple fighting their way into the end of their marriage. The Democratic party, meanwhile, doesn't have a nominee yet but is in the Free Love phase - everyone gets a piece of happy. (Those metaphors work on multiple levels, I think.)

The real winner this year is, frankly, America. (Cue tearz.) There is no credible left wing in this country, and the right wing is in the middle of self-destructing. McCain and Clinton are center-right and center-left politicians at heart. (Note that in the primaries, they both have to pay lip service to the extremist wings, but their voting records are very clearly centrist, and once the primaries are over they will move to the center ground they're used to occupying.) Most of the country is simply moderate and centrist, not beholden to the screaming and hate of the partisanship caused by Lewinsky and GW. I for one will be happy to live in a more civil place.
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