The Profile four score and seven years ago (June 17 2005 to Present)

Aug 13, 2006 21:27

The Profile! Teaser:

Stonehouse kthx: i'm not even joking, a lot of jesus' teachings are kinda... gay
Stonehouse kthx: they way they write them
Clayzed: who knows - maybe he was
Clayzed: him and 12 men wandering around
Stonehouse kthx: yeah
Stonehouse kthx: i say this
Stonehouse kthx: and people for some reason get upset?
Stonehouse kthx: now i'm not saying he was 100% gay, i'm just saying he didn't mind exparamenting with his children
Clayzed: look how many people don't want clay to be gay. jesus is a LOT bigger than clay
Stonehouse kthx: wait
Stonehouse kthx: that's hard to do
Stonehouse kthx: is he like 12 inches?
Clayzed: lol - that was funny
Clayzed: my husband say maybe he doesn't sound quite so gay in aramaic
Clayzed: although mary magdalene - the first fag hag - I like it
Stonehouse kthx: like i said, i think it's the way they wrote them
Stonehouse kthx: she so watned to fuck jesus
Stonehouse kthx: and then judas was all OMG YOU WHORE SAD HE IS MINE
Stonehouse kthx: and then judas was like omg i am gay 4 jesus
Clayzed: rotfl
Stonehouse kthx: and killed himself
Stonehouse kthx: and peter was like wtf he's gay? i don't know you anymore!
Stonehouse kthx: why did I turn the last days of Christ into a gay drama?
Clayzed: the gospel according to stonehouse

in a roflcopter: asshole
Stonehouse kthx: you know it
Stonehouse kthx: i love it
Stonehouse kthx: rimming
Stonehouse kthx: :-P
in a roflcopter: no.
Stonehouse kthx: that is my rimming face
Stonehouse kthx: lick lick lick rimmmm
Stonehouse kthx: RIM AROUND THE ROSIE
in a roflcopter: OMG
in a roflcopter: OMG
in a roflcopter: OMGFLSKG
in a roflcopter: SGKLSKG
Stonehouse kthx: I CAN'T
Stonehouse kthx: STOP
in a roflcopter: ITS
in a roflcopter: SO
in a roflcopter: WRONG

in a roflcopter: why is there an infomercial for a TOOL
in a roflcopter: on LOGO
in a roflcopter: oh wait, lesbians
Stonehouse kthx: lesbians
in a roflcopter: HAHA
Stonehouse kthx: HAHAH
Stonehouse kthx: WE ARE BAD

Stonehouse kthx: your asking a lot
nosuchthing10387: i know
nosuchthing10387: i would honestly take any gay i can get...but i'm just describing the perfect situation
Stonehouse kthx: sounds like choosing a husband or home

Clayzed: i know someone who knows someone who saw waldo. clay was sitting around on the floor in shorts backstage without underwear and waldo was kind of hanging out the leg
Clayzed: waldo is not small
Stonehouse kthx: LKDHJFLEKSF
Stonehouse kthx: GROSSSS
Stonehouse kthx: GROSDFSFDFD
Stonehouse kthx: SICKCKKK
Stonehouse kthx: DON'T EVER SAY THAT AGAIN
Clayzed: she thought so too
Stonehouse kthx: oh god
Stonehouse kthx: sick
Stonehouse kthx: sksafsjdkls
Stonehouse kthx: just grossss
Clayzed: prude
Stonehouse kthx: Clay, bad boy

Stonehouse kthx: what's with Clay and 4s? MoaM was 4 also.... MCWL
Stonehouse kthx: is he proving something?
Clayzed: 4 walls?
Stonehouse kthx: *dies*

The Profile: Where only the CREAM of the Crop is Remembered.
Do You Have What It Takes?

theSHAKINaiken: nobody was buying that piece of shit 3 year old album probably why they took it off

Akashalia: John being gone doesn't make Clay any less gay. He didn't become gay by osmosis, he just is.
Shrewlaura: I disagree. I think prolonged exposure to John's fluids definitely had an effect on Clay's sexuality.

shrewlaura says:
It saves me money on new contacts.
Stonehouse says:
Stonehouse says:
but you should at least take them out at night
shrewlaura says:
I don't think Clay takes his out at night. He's lazy like that sometimes.
Stonehouse says:
no he does, well, more like Nick does.
shrewlaura says:
But Nick's gone now. Clay has nobody to stick their fingers in his eyes.
Stonehouse says:
Stonehouse says:
his own are...
Stonehouse says:
shrewlaura says:
We all know where those have been.
Stonehouse says:
inside JPs ass doing quater turns
shrewlaura says:

Stonehouse kthx: it's just a lot of things coming together at that spot
theSHAKINaiken: yea creepy
Stonehouse kthx: looks like a gerbil
Stonehouse kthx: coz how does that guys head bend... well anyway
theSHAKINaiken: haha
Stonehouse kthx: and her face looks plastic and streched out
Stonehouse kthx: there are alot of things wrong with that picture, the least of which is Clay staring at majorly under age girl ass

Clayzed: oh i know. but people who don't think clay is gay may not get it at all
Stonehouse kthx: well they will NEVER get it
Stonehouse kthx: but, as i could tell from OFC posts, they knew the kid was gay
Stonehouse kthx: they called him "different" because obviously gay is a four letter word
Clayzed: glay?
Stonehouse kthx: Glay...heh.
Clayzed: well they did want some clay adapted words

Clayzed: Resume for Video Production Position
Stonehouse kthx: k
Clayzed: maybe. definitley not get your viagra here
Stonehouse kthx: heh
Clayzed: there are too many like that. yours wouldn't stand out
Stonehouse kthx: heh
Stonehouse kthx: ironic because it's viagra

Stonehouse kthx: because she always posts in the affirmative that Clay is bay
Stonehouse kthx: ...bay.
Stonehouse kthx: gay!!!
theSHAKINaiken: hahaha
Stonehouse kthx: i don't think i've ever mispelled that word

theSHAKINaiken: sucks! israel is still taking it from all sides ugh!
Stonehouse kthx: wow that sounds like a bad porn

nosuchthing10387: the baby is so cute
Stonehouse kthx: fat
nosuchthing10387: he's a baby!
Stonehouse kthx: fatter than most
nosuchthing10387: oh goodness
nosuchthing10387: he cant be like "um.......actually im watching carbs britney...please take your boob away from my mouth"
Stonehouse kthx: LOL

BinaHearts: so
BinaHearts: hmmmmmm
BinaHearts: what's he doing in ny
Stonehouse kthx: John
Stonehouse kthx: :-)

shrewlaura says:
But they're still being over-sensitive. Somebody said (I think she was talking about me) that it was wrong of me to say some older Claymates pushed me out of the way, because age has nothing to do with it. Well, if you pushed me out of the way I'm sure I would have said some 12-year-old did it. It was just a description of the people.
Stonehouse says:
Stonehouse says:

shrewlaura says:
And then there was the distinction that gay rainbows had purple and Jesus rainbows didn't. But then people realized that that was total bullshit.
Stonehouse says:
Stonehouse says:
and then Jesus was seen wearing a pink triangle
shrewlaura says:
And standing outside The Man Hole.
Stonehouse says:
"so i heard"
shrewlaura says:
In assless leather chaps.
Stonehouse says:
Stonehouse says:
shrewlaura says:
Stonehouse says:
but then i got side tracked in to wondering if Jesus was a top or bototm
shrewlaura says:
Well, he looks like a bottom. But he's got the power of God on his side, so he could top if he really wanted to.
Stonehouse says:
hmm versitile
shrewlaura says:
Either way, he's pretty divine.
Stonehouse says:
omg why are we doing this?

in a roflcopter: OMG
in a roflcopter: YOU SUCK
in a roflcopter: THAT LONG COCK
Stonehouse kthx: no my friend, you do, and you forgot to cover your teeth!
in a roflcopter: SICK
Stonehouse kthx: that's right you suck and you suck bad!

in a roflcopter: i never heard "emmanuel" ever.
Stonehouse kthx: ok.
Stonehouse kthx: glad for that statement
in a roflcopter: how does it go?
Stonehouse kthx: Oh Come Oh Come Ema-hue-el
Stonehouse kthx: repeated over and over
Stonehouse kthx: apparently Clay and Jesus are havig sex and Clay's not very good
Stonehouse kthx: OH HO HO GOD NO WHY

Singingsarahrose (10:31:15 PM): i've watched some of the concert clips and this tour screams "HELLO WORLD! I LOVE BOYS. AND GLITTER. AND GLITTERY BOYS. oh yeah, jesus too.
Stonehouse kthx: well
Stonehouse kthx: jesus...
Stonehouse kthx: well i won't go there...
Stonehouse kthx: but Jesus and I have this understanding

shrewlaura says:
And then I can show you the jacket and you can be like "OMG Squee" and you'll wear it at the concert and Clay will see you in the crowd and think "Paisley jacket? That's a girl I'd like to marry!" And then I'll know him through you and I'll be the "other woman" who causes your divorce.
Stonehouse says:
Stonehouse says:
but JOhn will cry because it will remind him of the jacket that could never be
Stonehouse says:
shrewlaura says:
Stonehouse says:
and then i'd hold john
shrewlaura says:
And then he'd steal the jacket and run off with Clay and we'd be where we were before, only out $17.
Stonehouse says:
no because we'd see him run off with Clay and we'd be richer for the experience

Stonehouse kthx: isiot
Stonehouse kthx: ...
in a roflcopter: isiot.
in a roflcopter: iSiot.
Stonehouse kthx: POP.DSF
in a roflcopter: POP.DSF
Stonehouse kthx: POP.DSF
in a roflcopter: LMFAOADK
Stonehouse kthx: OMG
Stonehouse kthx: WHY
in a roflcopter: WAHT IS AOU
in a roflcopter: WRONG
in a roflcopter: WITH US

Nick: Back off my koolaid, bitch.
John: Oh you did NOT just go there.
Nick: Wanna make something of it, barber boy?
John: Well at least I have talent, Jimmy Olsen.
Nick: You'd better watch your ass Nancy. I've got more muscles on my body than you've got product in your hair.
John: Well we can't all do our hair with a bowl.
Nick: Oh it's on now, manbitch! [b](Shrewlaura)[/b]

Stonehouse says:
then Clay blogs
Stonehouse says:
he best
Stonehouse says:
and is like "Jacob is gone sry"
shrewlaura says:
And then like "jk not sry lol"

shrewlaura says:
"I believe that Ray is looking out for Clay, making up for the things that he didn't do for him while he was alive. I truly believe he is Clay's guardian angel, and Brett's too for that matter."
Stonehouse says:
where did she pull this idea?
Stonehouse says:
out of her ass?
Stonehouse says:
well let me tell you something
Stonehouse says:
she should turn into a man, turn gay, and get fucked in the ass, for that stupid idea coming out of it

shrewlaura says:
"The white stallion is a symbolism for Riley's boyhood. His ass looks good in those pants. He wants to sex up his dad's woman. They're making out like teenagers. Too bad he's so gay."

BinaHearts: maybe a stripper pole
Stonehouse kthx: HA for the goats?
BinaHearts: HA YES
Stonehouse kthx: after they eat off clay's clothes
Stonehouse kthx: he's going to need to do something
BinaHearts: and it goes all disco and turn the BLEAT around
Stonehouse kthx: o..m...g
BinaHearts: and the glitter starts flying
Stonehouse kthx: heeee
Stonehouse kthx: but they call it snow so they get away with it
Stonehouse kthx: to make the heteros feel safe
BinaHearts: oh of course
BinaHearts: it's all snow
BinaHearts: even when it's gay sex

toootsie210: do you have scary guys looking at porn? because that's ALLLLL i had last year
Stonehouse kthx: that would be me :(

shrewlaura says:
It's like a festival of body fluids! says:
i was going to make it into a Tshirt and wear it to a concert
shrewlaura says:
LOL! Only if you get front row seats. says:
heh says:
not for clay more for the angel wingers
shrewlaura says:
Yeah, I guess. But don't they always have front row seats? They probably pray to Jesus for them.

Stonehouse kthx: there's like a period of time right before i get like this that my creative juices lactate. heh. and that's when i wrote all the other stuff, and now i'm just dead
krbtumbler: hmm...well lactate damn it! LACTATE
Stonehouse kthx: heh
krbtumbler: words i never figured i'd emote scream at 4:02 in the morning...
Stonehouse kthx: well you're with me now honey, you'll scream lots of things you never knew you would before
krbtumbler: is that an open invitation?

Alli K B83: .38 miles awau
Alli K B83: away too
Stonehouse kthx: that too good
Stonehouse kthx: coz i don't like awau
Stonehouse kthx: i was there once and it rained. Not a fun trip
Alli K B83: lol
Stonehouse kthx: omg.
Stonehouse kthx: what am i doing?

Alli K B83: ewww... what's wrong with being you?

Stonehouse kthx: In her memoirs released Friday (September 30), "Life Is Not a Fairy Tale," the third-season "American Idol" winner admits that she can hardly read or write.
Stonehouse kthx: OH THAT'S A GOOD ONE
Stonehouse kthx: FANTASIA
Dolfin4946: omfg are you serious?
Stonehouse kthx: YES
Dolfin4946: how can you not know how to read or write?
Dolfin4946: clearly she did not write the book

Stonehouse kthx: i'm not sure that looks good
Stonehouse kthx: LOL
krbtumbler: hahahahaha, i'm not either....but it was the first image that popped up on google
krbtumbler: that actually looks pretty good
Stonehouse kthx: ew no
Stonehouse kthx: it looks like The Runs
Stonehouse kthx: ...
Stonehouse kthx: in the toilet
Stonehouse kthx: with barf
krbtumbler: noooo, potato soup ish....with tomatoes
Stonehouse kthx: lol
krbtumbler: screw it. no soup for you. - honest to god first time in my life i've ever used that IN CONTEXT!!! WOOOOT

in a roflcopter: OMG HOTTEST BJ PIC EVER
in a roflcopter:
Stonehouse kthx: mmmmmm that is hot
in a roflcopter: :-(.
Stonehouse kthx: i knew they'd get back together
Stonehouse kthx: even if Brian is like 70
in a roflcopter: LMFAOOOOOOOOOO
in a roflcopter: LMAO SICK
Stonehouse kthx: LOL
Stonehouse kthx: LOL
Stonehouse kthx: LOL
in a roflcopter: clever
in a roflcopter: but SICK
Stonehouse kthx: I AM
Stonehouse kthx: SO
Stonehouse kthx: FUCKING
Stonehouse kthx: QUICK
in a roflcopter: i know you lasted like a minute
Stonehouse kthx: ?
in a roflcopter: :0
Stonehouse kthx: WHAT
Stonehouse kthx: THE
in a roflcopter: :-)
Stonehouse kthx: FUCK
Stonehouse kthx: AFJDKSLFJSDKLFJ
Stonehouse kthx: ROFLROFLROFL
Stonehouse kthx: THAT WAS A GOOD ONE
in a roflcopter: LMAO
in a roflcopter: I WIN
in a roflcopter: TOO

in a roflcopter: i should get clay to rasterbate.

in a roflcopter: imagine clay interviewing gale or randy mmm ok mostly gale
Stonehouse kthx: mmmmmmmmmm
Stonehouse kthx: and then one of them trips and falls into the others arms
in a roflcopter: and then clays like "i think you turned me gay"
Stonehouse kthx: and gale is like "Like oyu weren't halfway there already"
Stonehouse kthx: HAHAHA PWN

in a roflcopter: heh can you believe people really had sex on set
Stonehouse kthx: heh the producers were like "Wiat,.. NO NO NO!"
in a roflcopter: LMFAO
in a roflcopter: LMFAO.
in a roflcopter: how long did that one take you?
Stonehouse kthx: like 4 seconds
in a roflcopter: HA YEAH OK
Stonehouse kthx: if it has to do with sex it comes quick. :-)

imherebreathing: Because I've never topped, so I'm just as clueless as you
Stonehouse kthx: damn us
imherebreathing: I was on top for fully clothed frottage, but that is as far as my topping goes
imherebreathing: That sounds like an ice cream statement
Stonehouse kthx: hAHAHAHA
Stonehouse kthx: bwahaha
Stonehouse kthx: oh man

roarimaraptor: and rub ben gay all over it
Stonehouse kthx: what does ben gay do? because it really sounds like what i should be using for my anal pain.
roarimaraptor: haha!

Stonehouse kthx: oooooooo
Stonehouse kthx: now
Stonehouse kthx: who wants it
Stonehouse kthx: um, you're the one inside me, you control that dear.
in a roflcopter: OH
Stonehouse kthx: omgasdlkfj
Stonehouse kthx: NO
Stonehouse kthx: STOP
Stonehouse kthx: THAT NOW
in a roflcopter: *bleeds*
Stonehouse kthx: OH SICK
in a roflcopter: :-)

Stonehouse kthx: and the "you don't fit in" doesn't help much
in a roflcopter: i know :-(
in a roflcopter: but
in a roflcopter: you will always fit in me :-)

watching QAF
Stonehouse kthx: we should have saved all these IMs
in a roflcopter: I KNOW
Stonehouse kthx: burbrry
Stonehouse kthx: scarf
in a roflcopter: LOL
Stonehouse kthx: WHY DID I SEE THAT
in a roflcopter: clay on the brian
in a roflcopter: ....
in a roflcopter: BRAIN

in a roflcopter: and clay
in a roflcopter: and randy
in a roflcopter: one big orgy
Stonehouse kthx: omg
Stonehouse kthx: and us... separatly
Stonehouse kthx: me first
Stonehouse kthx: older
in a roflcopter: WHAT
in a roflcopter: THE
in a roflcopter: FUCK
in a roflcopter: I THOUGHT YOU MEANTS
Stonehouse kthx: NO
Stonehouse kthx: I SAID
in a roflcopter: US OFF TO THE SIDE
in a roflcopter: FUCKING
Stonehouse kthx: SEPARATLY
Stonehouse kthx: NO
Stonehouse kthx: SLADFJDSL
Stonehouse kthx: ALDJF
in a roflcopter: AND I WAS LIKE
Stonehouse kthx: WHAT
in a roflcopter: WHAT
Stonehouse kthx: THE
in a roflcopter: THE
in a roflcopter: FUCK
Stonehouse kthx: FUCK
Stonehouse kthx: LADSFLKJ
Stonehouse kthx: CAN'T BREATHE
Stonehouse kthx: LAUGHING
in a roflcopter: CHOKING
in a roflcopter: ON
in a roflcopter: CEREAL
in a roflcopter: NSFSKFL
Stonehouse kthx: OMGOMG
Stonehouse kthx: OMGOMGOMG
Stonehouse kthx: CHEST HURTS
Stonehouse kthx: TEARS
in a roflcopter: FA O
in a roflcopter: OMG SICK
Stonehouse kthx: OMGGG
Stonehouse kthx: WHYYY
in a roflcopter: Rose :-)
in a roflcopter: Lets meet later :-)
in a roflcopter: I'll keep my crown on :-)
Stonehouse kthx: oooooo kinky

Stonehouse kthx: FINE
Stonehouse kthx: YOU WIN
Stonehouse kthx: PWN ME
Stonehouse kthx: BE INSIDE ME
Stonehouse kthx: DOMINATE ME
Stonehouse kthx: I'M GOING TO STOP
in a roflcopter: PWNS ON YOUR CHEST

in a roflcopter: why is one always blonde and one is brunette?
Stonehouse kthx: OM
Stonehouse kthx: MG
Stonehouse kthx: YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT
Stonehouse kthx: I WAS GOING TO SAY THAT
in a roflcopter: LMFAO
Stonehouse kthx: I WAS GOING TO SAY THAT
in a roflcopter: LMFAOOOOOOOO
Stonehouse kthx: HOLY
in a roflcopter: OMG
Stonehouse kthx: SHIT
Stonehouse kthx: NO
in a roflcopter: LMFAO
Stonehouse kthx: I HATE YOU
in a roflcopter: I AM
Stonehouse kthx: I HATE YOUOOOO
in a roflcopter: I AM COMING
Stonehouse kthx: KLADJFLDS
Stonehouse kthx: DON'T S\
in a roflcopter: FROM ECITEMFSzlksFSLKg
Stonehouse kthx: STO
in a roflcopter: dkfdkhmd;lggsdgl
Stonehouse kthx: DON'T
in a roflcopter: dkjnbhnbnfd
Stonehouse kthx: SAY
in a roflcopter: gkdj
Stonehouse kthx: THAT
in a roflcopter: sfkdjS
Stonehouse kthx: EVER
in a roflcopter: fdfk
Stonehouse kthx: AGAIN
in a roflcopter: asHAHA
Stonehouse kthx: EVER IF YOU SAY THAT
in a roflcopter: CHOKING
Stonehouse kthx: EVER AGAIN
in a roflcopter: ON
in a roflcopter: SAMMICH
Stonehouse kthx: OMGGGGGG
Stonehouse kthx: YOU
Stonehouse kthx: WHAT DID YOU DO
in a roflcopter: WE ARE CRAZY

in a roflcopter: you'd think with a name like jukebox tour
in a roflcopter: we wouldnt get this
in a roflcopter: but wtf
Stonehouse kthx: it would be nice
Stonehouse kthx: it's the sex tour
in a roflcopter: mmmm
Stonehouse kthx: and i like it
in a roflcopter: sexbox tour ROFL
Stonehouse kthx: HAHAHA
Stonehouse kthx: HAHAHA
in a roflcopter: lmao
Stonehouse kthx: HAHAHAHA
in a roflcopter: i win
Stonehouse kthx: Sexbox
Stonehouse kthx: it's like we morfed
Stonehouse kthx: and became one
Stonehouse kthx: and it was Sexbox

Stonehouse kthx: Justina, what is he doing now?
in a roflcopter: intermission fool!
Stonehouse kthx: CRIES
Stonehouse kthx: oooh so he's doing the man who didn't want to be here
Stonehouse kthx: gave him a reason to come
Stonehouse kthx: i'm so bad.
roarimaraptor: a reason to come
roarimaraptor: *snickers*
RealWman27: lol
Stonehouse kthx: *dies*

Stonehouse kthx: in a roflcopter: dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Stonehouse kthx: yes :-*
in a roflcopter: dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
in a roflcopter: dont cha
in a roflcopter: dont cha
in a roflcopter: LMAO
in a roflcopter: WTF
in a roflcopter: RAPED
Stonehouse kthx: LOLLLL
Stonehouse kthx: OLLLLL
Stonehouse kthx: I WANTED
Stonehouse kthx: YOU TO FEEL RAPED
in a roflcopter: BIRTHDAY RAPE
Stonehouse kthx: ROFLLLLLLLLLL
Stonehouse kthx: BIRTHDAY RAPE
in a roflcopter: LMFAO
in a roflcopter: OMG
Stonehouse kthx: BIRTHDAY RAPE
in a roflcopter: LMFAO
in a roflcopter: OMG
Stonehouse kthx: mmm that's going the way of the profile
in a roflcopter: LMAO.
in a roflcopter: omg
Stonehouse kthx: omgomgomg
in a roflcopter: mmmmm
Stonehouse kthx: you
in a roflcopter: font
Stonehouse kthx: sick
in a roflcopter: mmmmmmm i am inside you
in a roflcopter: omg
in a roflcopter: omgomgomg
Stonehouse kthx: insi
in a roflcopter: omgogmg
Stonehouse kthx: OMG
in a roflcopter: omsfkd
in a roflcopter: lk;sdg
Stonehouse kthx: I JUST
in a roflcopter: slksfl
in a roflcopter: flkldf
Stonehouse kthx: WAS
in a roflcopter: slfksf
Stonehouse kthx: GOING TO SAY THAT
Stonehouse kthx: SEE
in a roflcopter: dgkld
in a roflcopter: WE ARE SO SICK
in a roflcopter: IS IT FUNNY?
Stonehouse kthx: Stonehouse kthx: insi
in a roflcopter: IT IS!!!!!
in a roflcopter: insi.
Stonehouse kthx: BUT THEN
Stonehouse kthx: I DELTED
in a roflcopter: Insi Co.
Stonehouse kthx: COZ I WAS LIKE
in a roflcopter: LMFAO
Stonehouse kthx: RONG
in a roflcopter: RONG.
Stonehouse kthx: RONG.
Stonehouse kthx: OMG
in a roflcopter: OMG TWINS
in a roflcopter: OIMG BRBR

Stonehouse kthx: no wonder he is sared of cans
in a roflcopter: FROM
Stonehouse kthx: cans.
in a roflcopter: can.s
in a roflcopter: can.s.
Stonehouse kthx: what the fuck
in a roflcopter: LMFAOMLFMOAF
Stonehouse kthx: OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH US
in a roflcopter: OMG NO NO SOUP!
Stonehouse kthx: OMGGGGGG
Stonehouse kthx: OMGGG
Stonehouse kthx: RODALFJSDF
in a roflcopter: MLAMAAOFAFtoPCI
Stonehouse kthx: OMG CAN'T BREATH
in a roflcopter: LDMADFIjhnb sgLF
in a roflcopter: ANRI(QLE
Stonehouse kthx: THE HIGHSCHOOL KIDS
in a roflcopter: LAKMXNj
Stonehouse kthx: ARE LOOKING AT ME
in a roflcopter: LOL
in a roflcopter: DONT LAUGH
in a roflcopter: DONT LAUGH
Stonehouse kthx: omgggg
Stonehouse kthx: ok i'm ok
in a roflcopter: STOP AUGHINR
in a roflcopter: ok.
in a roflcopter: you ok?
Stonehouse kthx: Omg soup.
in a roflcopter: you want a soda?
Stonehouse kthx: hey buddy
in a roflcopter: NOT A CAN OF SODA
Stonehouse kthx: NO
Stonehouse kthx: NOT CANS
in a roflcopter: LMFAO

in a roflcopter: BAIBAIBAIBA
Stonehouse kthx: night
in a roflcopter: :-*
Stonehouse kthx: heeeee
in a roflcopter: :-* KISS ME FOOL
Stonehouse kthx: :-*
in a roflcopter: :-*
Stonehouse kthx: :-*
Stonehouse kthx: *makes out*
in a roflcopter: :-*
in a roflcopter: *spits in your mouth*
Stonehouse kthx: lkajfldksf
Stonehouse kthx: SIC
Stonehouse kthx: >:o
in a roflcopter: LMFAO
Stonehouse kthx: TOPIC
in a roflcopter: TOPIC
Stonehouse kthx: rofl

Stonehouse kthx: so, porn's good.
roarimaraptor: of course
Stonehouse kthx: that's a good ice breakier
roarimaraptor: or it's good if you want to end a conversation
Stonehouse kthx: it's like "i don't really like talking but i should say something"
roarimaraptor: if somebody won't leave you alone, jsut be like "i like porn"
roarimaraptor: and they'll walk away
roarimaraptor: especially if it's gay porn
Stonehouse kthx: what if they like porn and become your best friend?
roarimaraptor: this rarely, if ever, happens
Stonehouse kthx: good
Stonehouse kthx: i don't like friends
roarimaraptor: me neither
roarimaraptor: that's why i don't have many
Stonehouse kthx: they get in the way of my porn
Stonehouse kthx: porn is my friend
Stonehouse kthx: if it cheats on me, at least then i can watch
roarimaraptor: *dies*
Stonehouse kthx: :-)

in a roflcopter: Good night, Sugar Pie. :-*
Stonehouse kthx: hot
in a roflcopter: Dream of me.
Stonehouse kthx: okay
in a roflcopter: In your bed.
Stonehouse kthx: yes?
in a roflcopter: Together. :-)
Stonehouse kthx: Alright then...
in a roflcopter: Lol....Crumb Cake...
Stonehouse kthx: ROFL
in a roflcopter: LMFAO
Stonehouse kthx: My little apple tart
in a roflcopter: You delicious Horseshoe Crab.
Stonehouse kthx: wht
in a roflcopter: You Crab Apple.
Stonehouse kthx: ha
in a roflcopter: You Minivan.
Stonehouse kthx: Yo Crab Cakes
in a roflcopter: You bag of kettle corn.
Stonehouse kthx: You sweet sasparilla
in a roflcopter: You fresh basil leaf.
Stonehouse kthx: You hot cinnamon stick
in a roflcopter: You creamy tub of cream cheese.
Stonehouse kthx: you sweet tub of butter
in a roflcopter: You delicious finger licking good chicken leg.
Stonehouse kthx: you suculant peice of steak
in a roflcopter: You suckable fruit popsicle.
Stonehouse kthx: whoa
in a roflcopter: LOLOLOL
Stonehouse kthx: omg my throat hurts from laughter
in a roflcopter: Goodbye, Strawberry Shortcake.
Stonehouse kthx: good bye my steamy pop tart

Nosuchthing10387: How can you not listen to MoaM everyday? with such classics as, "shine" and "the way."

Stonehouse kthx: i just touched his long slender fingers
trixiefirecra: mmmmmmmmmmmm
trixiefirecra: gah
Stonehouse kthx: they could do wonders
Stonehouse kthx: but i digress
trixiefirecra: he doesn't even need a penis, to be honest.
trixiefirecra: those fingers are enough
Stonehouse kthx: srsly
Stonehouse kthx: i'll take one clayton hold the peen, extra fingers
Stonehouse kthx: OMG WHAT WAS THAT
trixiefirecra: HAHAHAHA, that should be a sign at a concert
Stonehouse kthx: OMGOMGOMG YES
trixiefirecra: He'd die.

in a roflcopter: he was at taco bell
in a roflcopter: and i wa slike
in a roflcopter: i cant have nothing points
in a roflcopter: and hes like
Stonehouse kthx: i cant have nothing points
wtf is this scentence? did you read this before you sent it to me?
in a roflcopter: i cant have nothing cos of points!
Stonehouse kthx: anything
in a roflcopter: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOosjdvvv
Stonehouse kthx: i can't have anything
in a roflcopter: loooooooolllll
Stonehouse kthx: i can't have nothing points
Stonehouse kthx: MY GOD

in a roflcopter: little clay spermies collect at the end of his bed WHAT WHAT
in a roflcopter: and they sing as he does it omgomgomsdfksdgkmasdfiojskdmg i cant whayhdfbdng
Stonehouse kthx: STOP
Stonehouse kthx: STOP
Stonehouse kthx: WHAT
Stonehouse kthx: THE
Stonehouse kthx: FUCK
Stonehouse kthx: ARE
Stonehouse kthx: YOU
Stonehouse kthx: DOING
in a roflcopter: I AM GONNA CHOKE ON MY POPCORN.
Stonehouse kthx: MY GOD
Stonehouse kthx: i'm showing trixen
in a roflcopter: SINGING
in a roflcopter: TAILS FLOWING
Stonehouse kthx: STOP
in a roflcopter: WHY
Stonehouse kthx: IT
in a roflcopter: AM I
Stonehouse kthx: OMG
in a roflcopter: LAFSKSFM
in a roflcopter: ADOING
in a roflcopter: THIS
in a roflcopter: WHY
in a roflcopter: ALFKKFS
Stonehouse kthx: WHY
in a roflcopter: WHAT IS THIS
Stonehouse kthx: ARE YOU
Stonehouse kthx: THIS IS SICK
in a roflcopter: SFSGSG
Stonehouse kthx: OMG
in a roflcopter: OMG
Stonehouse kthx: I THOUGHT OF THAT
in a roflcopter: LMFAO
Stonehouse kthx: ONLY WITH A TAIL
in a roflcopter: OMG
Stonehouse kthx: SPERMIES
in a roflcopter: LMFAOOOOOOO
in a roflcopter: popcorn fell in my shirt
in a roflcopter: ummm boobs
Stonehouse kthx: whoa
Stonehouse kthx: those are your own
in a roflcopter: clay can fish it out
Stonehouse kthx: you know
Stonehouse kthx: stop
Stonehouse kthx: rape
Stonehouse kthx: sick
Stonehouse kthx: i felt his tongue in my cleavege for a moment there
in a roflcopter: AJSFNSKFM oskFM
in a roflcopter: SLFKSF
in a roflcopter: SLFKSLF
in a roflcopter: WTF
Stonehouse kthx: it was wet and rough
Stonehouse kthx: what?
Stonehouse kthx: sick
in a roflcopter: thats like a cats tongue
Stonehouse kthx: ROFL
Stonehouse kthx: ROFL
in a roflcopter: meow ;-) ;-) ;-)....
Stonehouse kthx: mmmmmmm purr for me baby
Stonehouse kthx: OKAY
Stonehouse kthx: ENOUGH
in a roflcopter: RAPED TO THE FIRST DEGREE
Stonehouse kthx: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
in a roflcopter: I NEED AN ADULT
in a roflcopter: LMFAOO

Stonehouse kthx: i know, OMG IF JOHN DID HIS NEW TOUR
Stonehouse kthx: GOD FUCK ME JOHN JUST
Stonehouse kthx: SRELY RIGHT NOW
in a roflcopter: LMFAO
Stonehouse kthx: I CAN'T TAKE IT
in a roflcopter: FINE YOU FUCK JOHN I GET CLAY
Stonehouse kthx: I WANT JOHN
Stonehouse kthx: SO BAD
Stonehouse kthx: RIGHT NOW
Stonehouse kthx: why does John have to be a gay man 7 years my senior?
in a roflcopter: why does clay have to be a....something 12 years my senior?
Stonehouse kthx: he needs to come over here and make sweet love to me
Stonehouse kthx: we are beyond stupid
in a roflcopter: we are
Stonehouse kthx: it's all Clohn's fault
Stonehouse kthx: they are a deadly fashion pair
in a roflcopter: lmao
Stonehouse kthx: the only clohn that's true
Stonehouse kthx: Clohn - Fashion Squad!
Stonehouse kthx: it could be a TV show
in a roflcopter: omg
Stonehouse kthx: what? don't judge me.
in a roflcopter: lmfao.

in a roflcopter: i think the only thing thats better than licking brownie batter is sex
Stonehouse kthx: ....
in a roflcopter: LOL
Stonehouse kthx: HOW DO YOU KNOW
in a roflcopter: LMAOFAMFAM
Stonehouse kthx: SIC
Stonehouse kthx: SIC
in a roflcopter: IT HAS TO BE COS OMG MMMMM
Stonehouse kthx: lol
in a roflcopter: MMMMM
in a roflcopter: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
in a roflcopter: MMMMMM
in a roflcopter: SWEXY
in a roflcopter: swexy.
Stonehouse kthx: swexy.
Stonehouse kthx: LIKE SWEATY SEX
Stonehouse kthx: I'M USING THAT
Stonehouse kthx: SWEXY.
in a roflcopter: SWEXY.

roarimaraptor: ok
roarimaraptor: give me a sex
roarimaraptor: damnit
roarimaraptor: sec
Stonehouse kthx: sex.
roarimaraptor: i always do that!
roarimaraptor: stupid fingers got their mind in the gutter
Stonehouse kthx: you are trying to proposition me
roarimaraptor: i am

in a roflcopter: i think i like the ama outfit so much i'd wear it
in a roflcopter: i'd look like a lesbian but i'd do it!
Stonehouse kthx: you already do
Stonehouse kthx: HAHAHAHA OMG SNAP
in a roflcopter: WTF
in a roflcopter: THAT DIDNT EVEN
in a roflcopter: WHAT
Stonehouse kthx: LAUGHTER
Stonehouse kthx: LAUGHTER
in a roflcopter: SHUT UP
Stonehouse kthx: NO
Stonehouse kthx: NEVER

roarimaraptor: lifesaver
Stonehouse kthx: if i were my flavor would be cum
Stonehouse kthx: ...that was wrong. spank me ;-)
roarimaraptor: you are so nasty
roarimaraptor: profile that now

in a roflcopter: hmmm
in a roflcopter: i have a song
in a roflcopter: you know
in a roflcopter: its called
in a roflcopter: 3000 Andys
in a roflcopter: 3000 Andys
3000 Andys
3000 Andys lined up and having fun!
in a roflcopter: sing it to "im in the money"
Stonehouse kthx: meh
in a roflcopter: you love it
in a roflcopter: you want to mary it
in a roflcopter: and then have a honeymoon in france with it and fuck it
Stonehouse kthx: OMG
Stonehouse kthx: what did you take?

roarimaraptor: god, some of these thread titles are so gay
Stonehouse kthx: oh? i've never read
roarimaraptor: "Coming Together For Clay, Because of Clay...With Clay"
roarimaraptor: that isn't lame to you?
roarimaraptor: HA!
roarimaraptor: youa re so dirty

Stonehouse kthx: how come no clay icons anymore/
in a roflcopter: i have clay icons!
in a roflcopter: i just like my pretty girl ones
Stonehouse kthx: and that would exclude the clay ones how?

in a roflcopter: he should have a spot where he puts what hes listening and feeling ROFL LIKE LJ
Stonehouse kthx: ROFL
Stonehouse kthx: ROFL
Stonehouse kthx: it would be Shine
Stonehouse kthx: and emo
in a roflcopter: mood: sad...u mean...
music: Beautiful Disaster - Kelly Clarkson
Stonehouse kthx: HA
in a roflcopter: LMAO

in a roflcopter: fire island
in a roflcopter: known for the gays
in a roflcopter: you like that don't you?
Stonehouse kthx: lol.
in a roflcopter: LMFAO
Stonehouse kthx: it reminds me of stewie
Stonehouse kthx: "You like that don't you? Yes, right there, you dirty slut"
in a roflcopter: OMG
in a roflcopter: lmao

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