o10; invasion of personal space;

Oct 04, 2009 00:22

My left hand has been drawing absurd amounts of attention from nigh on every woman who has passed through my clinic with reason to speak to me. I am fairly certain women are supposed to react this way to children, not jewellery--regardless of the meaning behind aforementioned jewellery.

What kind of self-respecting woman makes cooing noises over a ring? IT CAN'T HEAR YOU.

The ring is not of a conscious enough state to even notice the attention and while I appreciate the sentiments that follow to a certain degree, I do not appreciate people using me as a diversionary tactic to essentially get out of therapy. They come to me to talk about their issues, not my personal life. It's none of their business!

It's just--They're all very sweet but--sajlsdyityeifsrtjktulghljshj Just give me my hand back and let me do my job.

Achilles, Patroclus; I may be late tonight. I have an evening appointment, but I should be finished by 7pm. Don't kill each other. And save me something to eat.

tiresome and confusing, if i don't vent i'll explode, the magnetic left hand, i can hande this/have a nice day, evening appointments are a bitch, colour me unimpressed, perpetually in distress, my workplace has gone to hell

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