Sep 08, 2003 21:25
Where have I been? I guess it's about time I updated this.
I've been working full time at Clovers for a while now. It's nice to be making a little more money. The place itself is a little tiring, but it's easy and there's perks. I'd say I like 90% of the people there, so my days don't drag by as much as they did when I worked at Nowell's (where, save Lavar, I hated everyone). I'm now the Bulk Dept. "Manager". I use the quotations because officially I'm the asst. manager under my boss Scott. But Scott is never there, doesn't do a damn thing in bulk. I do all the ordering, most of the processing and maintence. So to me, I'm the manager. It pays me a little more and it's not so bad.
I got a tattoo. It's about time I did. I got the hammer throw guy that graced a COKA button and shirt. I've wanted to get it done for years and Mikey offered to do it for free. It looks good, Mikey pushed a little hard in one spot and caused a very small portion to blur (not that blurry though), but it looks good.
Other than that. Shit, not much. My days are starting to run together and I'm really not to sure what it is I'm doing. I'm not in a band which leaves this huge void for me. That's what I want to do, that's what I love to do, but nothing is presenting itself as a sure thing. That sucks. I want to get things going, be back to par and good to go. It's just not happening. This town is becoming saturated. There's no one that wants to play it seems. Or maybe it's just me.
The store. It seems like I'm doing all this work and yet nothing is moving forward. I want this to happen, but it's hanging on a cliff right now. It can really go either way and it's kind of out of my control. I have some many dreams for what it's going to be, but maybe I should focus more on the bare bones of the situation. Baby steps I guess. This is my step into adulthood and I'm not even that prepared. Part of me wants to say fuck it and persue something else, but another wants to stick with it. I'm hoping the latter is the part of me that's really driven. I'm sick of hoping. I want action.
Who's going to help?
m welch