Normally, I wouldn't write much about mainstream politicians, at least not picking on one person, because they're all fairly homogenous, but today I make an exception:
Ron Paul.
Oh jeez... Where to start?
Ok, so I went to YouTube and found a bunch of videos: I watched these clips so you don't have to. For three big issues to college students, Ron Paul seems to be the guy. He's anti-war, wants to legalize pot, and protect liberty/freedom.
Here's what I learned about the Ron Paul rEVOLution: (Let me preface, however, that I too have read the Constitution of the United States, and frequently carry around a copy for when I get in arguments with conservatives. Just because you say "I believe in the constitution and liberty!" doesn't mean you get a free ride...)
-wants to get rid of department of education
Ron Paul believes that we should abolish the department of education, presumably in favor of school vouchers. This would also get rid of federal student loans, and completely privatize education. Think University of Phoenix. It amazes me that college students, who bear the brunt of the No Child Left Behind act, are excited about a guy who thinks that Milton Friedman didn't go far enough.
-thinks we should go back to using gold and silver
Sadly, I must admit that I am not familiar with the Austrian School of economics Paul studied, but know a thing of two about it. I know enough to realize that gold and silver, like paper money, are commodities that represent the exchange value of something relative to the market.
-Got degree in obstetrics/gynecology, yet is "pro-life"
-"irrationality of middle-eastern politics"
-"3,400 men killed in Iraq." Women apparently not people in the eyes of Mr.Paul.
-Supports a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer
-YES on building a fence along the Mexican border.
I found this out after watching 1/2-1 hour of him going crazy about federal spending.
This is very rough draft... Hopefully I'll finish it another time. Sleep now...