
May 10, 2012 12:01

Much of the doings in the... ah... where was it? Oh, the garden, yes, of course. It's... tripled in size from what I started with. There are two beds now - one potato towers & one potato hills - of those nummy thin-skinned yellow taters, a bed of Kentucky Blue Runner pole beans, another bed of the stir-fry peas (easiest way to describe the buggers), and a bed that's been split in half between squash and corn.

The cucumbers are weeded out again, finally, and the watermelons are growing. The carrots and the radishes live in weeds, but my helpers are slowly but surely recovering them. The tomatoes are weeded, and about half the ones I planted are growing, so I've got 12 Black Krim tomato plants. I was pulling weeds around where I planted the peppers, but I didn't find anything that I could say for sure was peppers, so I'm gonna have to go to the greenhouse to get some more of those. Or, possibly, just give up on peppers this year and reseed that whole area in spinach, since the spinach is not doing well where I put it. The lettuce, however, is doing fine, and the Swiss chard appreciates the lack of weed and violet in its bed. The corn got weeded by a kindergartner, and he did a great job until he started sitting on it to pull the last few rows of weeds because he got tired.

Over where we put pumpkins and squash (the former strawberry bed), there's one pumpkin and four identified squash coming up. Jazzie has started digging his potatoes, so he's got a double handful of tiny "new" potatoes, of the thin red-skinned variety. And my peach tree has PEACHES! It's never had peaches before!

Aside from that, not a great deal going on. School isn't out quite yet, con isn't here yet, Rodeo Days don't happen until next week. Now, if the damn internet would just connect... I could finish reading my story!


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