meme's & such. Cut, since they don't seem to show up right these days for unknown reasons.

Oct 12, 2007 14:19

Your Score: Epicurean

You scored

Congrats, you seem to be more Epicurean than not. You believe in at least some of these:

Empiricism: Trusting the evidence of the senses

Atomism: Everything is made up of atoms

Materialism: Everything is either matter or void

Atheism/Agnosticism: God either doesn't exist or else probably doesn't care

Epicurean Hedonism: The goal of life should be pleasure. However, Epicureans are more interested in intellectual pleasures and the happiness to be had through friendship than in sensual pleasures like eating, drinking, or sex.

Epicureans defined pleasure as being a combination of "aponia" (lack of pain) and "ataraxia" (freedom from fear). Because of this, they concentrated intensely on overcoming the fear of death. Without the judgment of God or the fires of hell to worry about, this is actually a fairly simple matter. As Epicurus said:

"Death is nothing to us."

Link: The Epicureanism Test written by razorgrrl on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Your Score: Coffee Buzz

You scored 45%Randomness, 18 % Fuzziness!

You're random as Hell. There's a good chance that you're obnoxious or were in Drama in high school. Now, you're not always the most pleasant of people to be around, but at least you provide a good enough level of entertainment that people seem willing to overlook your bleak attitude.

Link: The How Fuzzy Is Your Soul Test written by Chel-Hell on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Your Score: Hungry Brain

Your brains craves 58 % Exploration, 56 % Affiliation, 40 % Recreation and 62 % Sensation

We have determined that you have a Hungry Brain.  When it comes to craving stimulation your brain often wants an extra helping.  Your brain has an above averagecraving for stimulation in three of the four dimensions.  It can take a little extra effort for your brain to be well stimulated.

Above Average Systems: Exploration, Affiliation & Sensation


Our Exploration system helps us to organize our searching and learning behaviors.  If you are trying to look for an object or new information then the Exploration system is helping you out.  When it gets properly stimulated then you will feel emotions such as curiosity and inquisitiveness.


Our Affiliation system helps us to organize our bonding and connecting behaviors.  If you are strengthening your relationship with someone then your Affiliation system is helping you out.  When it gets properly stimulated you will feel that you are loved and that you belong.


Our Sensation system helps us to organize our sexual arousal and pleasure seeking behaviors.  This is one of the smoothest running systems in the brain, easily capable of fading in the background as it operates.  When it gets properly activated your can feel the chemistry between yourself and another person.

Secondary System: Recreation


Our Recreation system helps us to organize our playing, joking and goofing around behaviors.  Whenever you are trying to play a game or let go from the stresses of the day your Recreation system is helping you out.  When it gets properly activated you feel a sense of relaxed jubilation and carefree optimism.

Thank you for taking this test. You have the chance to scroll down to near the bottom of this page and give it a positive rating. Even one positive vote helps.

Link: The Optimal Stimulation Test written by alexandertru on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

This one I'll leave out, just for the sheer hell of it...

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foolishness, meme

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