Get your red hot parsels!

Aug 03, 2004 02:18

I got stuff today! Woohoo! Awesome white Sony headphones straight from Japan. Cost a little more...but the white headphones totally look better than the black ones they sell over here. Too make things better, Miles, along with Mrs. Flinn, totally saved my life. The schedule is mad fixed yo. Wrd up. That about ends the good news ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

ironpope August 3 2004, 00:05:59 UTC
It's because you touch yourself at night.


_hypnotic_eyes August 3 2004, 11:46:18 UTC
And I thought the usage of that saying stopped. *sighs*

"skidattle"...haha. great word. :)


c1rca August 3 2004, 13:20:16 UTC
man Kenny, sucks about the whole modem thing. I personally hate those hours you sit there trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with the new technology you bought. Makes you want to kill somebody.


friendl^ ^elling blueguitarist August 3 2004, 20:19:19 UTC
I'm +elling u. I+'s becuz u aren'+ nice +o ur compu+er. If u +alked swee+l^ +o i+, i+ would respond wi+ grea+ apprecia+ion.

PS......I NEED M^ GOD DAMN KE^BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!


......*makes Penal Motion* its_wingless August 5 2004, 18:01:54 UTC
David Brown is Congress.....


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