I have a little story, and it goes like this: I saw Daybreak Part I and I badly wanted a Lee/Pigeon icon. I kept checking to see if someone had made me one yet - but no. Then I saw Daybreak Part II, and I didn't want a Lee/Pigeon icon anymore. Then I changed my mind, but I didn't want to take the same Lee/Pigeon icon that dianora2 and queenofthorns found first - it's by airings, and it is pretty much the greatest pigeon icon ever made, as far as I'm concerned - but I couldn't find any other ones. Then I had a dastardly idea in the shower (which is pretty much where my ideas come from, dastardly or no), and I made these.
So if you want a good pigeon icon, go here. If you want a more different pigeon icon,