Title: Acceptance, Trust and Love
Rating: PG - 13 for BL
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Character: Sanada Genichirou
Author's Notes: SAP ALERT. Implied relationships. Series with
willowy_renji for
10_letters Renji,
Like how I can't seem to understand Niou, neither can I get inside your head. Sometimes when I think I'm nearly there, you surprise me with something else altogether. Like I find it hard to accept when you say you're becoming like D1. The Trickster and the Gentleman are mere masks for their selfish, calculated persona that is constantly hiding from the light. To me, you're nothing like that. You're a beacon and an anchor, constant and dependable.
Do you know? You sometimes remind me of a fleeting shadow or the haze-shrouded moon, if I blink I'm sure I'll lose sight of you. I don't fear very well, so please don't let me find something to be afraid of.
You, along with many others, seem to enjoy unnerving me. I don't understand the pleasure you derive from throwing me off balance. You must have picked up on the sadistic tendencies that Seiichi is very fond of lapsing into. Nevertheless I will be watching my back now.
Which reminds me: what rumors? I don't pay attention to such things and I don't see anything about me that might be worth the gossip mill. And never apologize to me. We promised to only mean what we say and do our best, there will be no regrets, so why apologize? Trust me.
I'm surprised you never considered the art of calligraphy. There is something about you that makes it seem so natural that I would believe if you told me it was an extension of yourself. Remember when we first met? It was stormy and you just sat there on the ledge with your face to the sky, as if accepting the torrential rain as a rightful punishment. It was in that moment that I found the eye of my storm.
As for your question - tree, hands down. I'm sure you didn't need to ask. Also, is it selfish of me to want you to stay as a face in the crowd?