The formidable Captain
mal_dasheng has, wisely, decided he cannot yet trust me as a member of his crew. He has therefore seen fit to interview me, and I do hope my answers meet with his satisfaction.
That being said, and because I believe the local custom insists upon it -- if you are reading this and would like to be interviewed yourself, just say the word.
1. Do you actually think that insulting me and mine is a way to garner yourself my favor?
*chuckles* I'm afraid that's a bit of a cultural discrepancy. Members of my race find conflict and insult to be most seductive -- ask my friends
kaiwinnadami or
col_kira_nerys if you doubt me. I am sorry if I seemed hostile or abrupt -- I assure you, no offense was intended.
2. If you have all these resources yourself, why can't you get yourself your own ship to fly rather than hitching a ride with us?
Unfortunately, I am also a marked man. Those who I used to call friends have either been killed or corrupted by the influence of the Dominion or those Bajoran false gods, the Prophets. They have succumbed to authority and would have me killed if only for the bounty. Yes, my friend -- with the exception of my dear associate
kaiwinnadami -- whom I would have you meet, for I believe you will find her both wise and charming -- I fear I am quite alone, and in need of some...discreet protection.
3. What technology do you have that I might find both useful and lucrative?
Ah, a business man, very good, very good indeed! But we must save some surprises for later, mustn't we? Still, to show good faith -- perhaps you have heard that some ships maintain the ability to "cloak," that is, to travel undetectable to enemy ships' sensors or viewscreens. Such technology would be invaluable to a ship like this, would it not?
I cannot acquire a cloaking device for you free of charge, but I'm relatively certain I can get one for a modest fee -- details to be worked out after you agree to my safe passage on board Serenity.
4. No insult intended, but you got a rather distinctive look about you that ain't quite human. What is that about?
I was born Cardassian, though my soul is of Bajor -- Bajor being a planet neighboring my homeworld of Cardassia, and with whom we were at war for much of my adult life. Believe me, coming to learn that my soul belonged to a race whom I consider a most grave enemy was a shock indeed. But then, the universe is full of surprises.
I take it you have not encountered aliens of my species in your travels? I could introduce you to some most interesting races, many of whom possess technologies you could scarcely imagine.
And lastly, it ain't so much a question but:
5. I hear your talk about operating outside rules and regulations and morals, but I ain't so sure we have as much in common as you think. Convince me otherwise.
Perhaps you are right, my young friend. I stand corrected. I do not know you well, nor do you know me, but what I see is this: we are both wanted men, traveling at the mercy of vast and powerful interstellar alliances that would as soon have our heads. We rely upon chance, and therefore have good eyes and ears for opportunity should it present itself. We are loyal to those we love, and we believe in just causes. You believe in your ship, and your crew, and your rebellion -- I believe in my people, and my gods, the Pah-Wraiths, and those who love them, and would come to accept their love.
I am a wanderer, a journeyman, a student of civilization, perhaps. Traveling around, learning about other races, about other societies, their beliefs and their desires -- and learning, also, what they might have that may be of value to me. And then attempting to strike a fair bargain to acquire it.
I sense that these are your ambitions too, Captain Reynolds.
Do let me know what you decide.