Apr 12, 2005 22:06
I'm writting this entry becus well i've pretty much neglected using this thing and well its policy to update it. Anyway this isn't so much a live journal so much as its advice on relationships for guys.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Yes guys as you mite have guessed , there is no point to trying with girls , they either like you or they dont , you can try as much as you possibly can to impress them and still they will fuck around with you.
You could even get out with one of these girls only to be let down by stupid reasons.
All you can hope for is that your covered by the jammy git constant. This constant applies to those guys who never need to try but always seem to be studs , but i suppose fate will have too much fun watching you hate yourself instead and keep you outside of that constant.
Another thing guys , avoid weird girls like the plague , if they're weird as friends then its pretty evident that they will be weird as girlfriends , you'll grow to despise them and they'll just continue with their weird shit , honestly guys they are a total hinderance to you , Avoid them!
Cheesey chat ups do work , they mite sound terrible but that makes a girl laugh and gettin her laughin is half the battle.
The biggest danger is gettin on with them too well so that eventually you become friends , once they establish a friendship with you , there is no goin bak , they wont ever be able to see you in that light , your fucked if that happens and i suggest you move on as quickly as possible no amount of pleading will save you in that situation.
Final tip guys , actually try and get on with them , girls wont know your interested if you just sit in a corner and very few girls actually like the detached non caring guy. And plz my god plz dont listen to any of those shitey sites about body language , its all pish and never works , take it from someone with experience.
Catch ya all later troops.