Welcome to Camelot....

Aug 11, 2010 00:42

...And bon voyage to DeviantART, well graphics wise anyway....

Yep, that's right, the DA gremlins found me and removed all my graphics. And by all, I mean 3. But hey, I liked it there! >.< Well, anyway, that's why I'm reviving my old LJ account, so that I can post my graphics here instead. Feel free to watch me.... In fact please do, I'd really ( Read more... )

arthur, wallpapers, uther, merlin, graphics

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filmatleven August 12 2010, 08:39:45 UTC
Brilliant! I'd really love to grab a bigger one of the 1st one - of Merlin - but when I click the link, the picture (even when zoomed in) is still 800x600.


thepowerofme August 12 2010, 09:58:54 UTC
Ah... erm...Did you try downloading it from the options that come up when you hover the mouse over image? That should work.... if not, let me know and I'll find a different way to share them.... This is all a little new to me, sorry. *blushes* But I'm so glad you like it enough to want to use it! Thanks for letting me know. :D


filmatleven August 12 2010, 16:08:29 UTC
Yeah =/ I just tried that way to make sure, as opposed to just right-clicking and saving. It was still 800x600. I'm sorry to be a pain =/

And it's LOVELY of course I wish to use it =)


thepowerofme August 12 2010, 19:18:43 UTC
Gah! I'm so sorry, you're completely right! For some reason photobucket only wanted to share them as 800x600 even though the files I uploaded were the right sizes. *sighs* Oh well, I've decided to use Mediafire instead. So here's a link to the largest size of the Merlin wallpaper. http://www.mediafire.com/?eni6kp05vct4fb7

Thank you SO MUCH for letting me know! And sorry once again. -.- I hope you'll enjoy it!


filmatleven August 12 2010, 22:56:26 UTC
Thank you so much!! And it's okay, don't worry! I'm glad you found another easy way to share with everyone =)


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