Nov 27, 2007 12:39
1. What was going through your mind during your last kiss?
<3s for Andy.. mm.. sleeping now...
2. How did you do on the last test you took?
Hah, I can't even remember the last test i took X3
3. What is your ringtone for when people text you?
.. my phone beeps.. once...
4. What show did you last watch?
Prolly Heroes. this season isn't holding my interest at all though..
5. Whose arms do you feel the safest in?
Andy's. makes sense, ja?
6. What foods make you sick?
couscous XP bleagh. oh, and hot dogs make me puke. Literally.
7. Do you get shy around the guy/girl you like?
I should fucking hope not, at least not anymore ^_^. Considering out first date was a failed threesome XDDD good times.
8. Do you remember what you were like a year ago?
I was 23. And just starting to be a drunk.
9. Do you still have feelings for your ex?
nope. No hard feelings, either, which, considering some of my exes, is remarkable. but it's too much effort being mad at someone who no longer affects my life.
10. Name something you like and hate about your default:
I like my hair... i wish you could see my pigtails.. also yum cookies.
11. Do you have family problems?
Not unless they're around me XD
12. Where are most people in your top from?
..probably central NY... a few Floridians.. an Oswegan, and this carazay Marylander XD
13. What was the last meal you ate?
I just had a bagel, a bagel with some cream cheese, the bagel was mostly a vehicle for the cream cheese.
14. Who are there pictures of in the room you're currently in?
Micheal Keaton, Simon Pegg and the rest of the Shaun cast.. and some random cats.
15. Name one thing people think about you that's not true?
That I'm vegan. though that's mostly becasue of my username... nah, mostly people think I smoke weed, i think. not really sure. Not everyone goes up to me and says "pardon me, but i've just made an assumption about you, could you validate or refute it please?"
16. Do you give special ringtones to certain people?
17. What's the weather like outside?
chilly. in fact, the weather inside is chilly ::glares at thermostat::.. ah well.. ::sighs at bank account::
18. Have you ever seen a 3D movie in theaters?
Yep, Beowulf. It's only worth it in 3D, mostly for the gratuitous "things-pointing-at-the-camera" shots.
19. How was your last relationship?
Not bad, but not somethign I'd ever do again. it took a lot out of me to break up with him. all three times XD poor guy. poor guy.. no hard feeligns, i just knew it wouldn't last.
20. Where'd you get everything that you're wearing?
I was born with it.
21. Do you text with T9 or ABC?
mostly T9... it makes Brian into an asian. XDD
22. Have you memorized your social security number?
If you ever go to OCC, you WILL memorize the goddamned number XD Most useful skill i got out of that school.
23. Have you ever had a dream about people you love dying?
Probably? I have lots of apocalyptic scenario dreams.
24. Who was the last person you couldn't keep your mind off of?
Omen. I wonder how hes doing now.. i should call him..
25. What was the last advice you gave someone?
It was awful 'casue I was caught off guard and very hungry. I hope things work out well for her, she's my favorite.
26. What radio station do you listen to the most?
Your mother's.
27. Whats your worst grade this quarter?
I got an A+ in sex! But I totally failed at Dishes, so... XD
28. If you died today, would there be anything you wish you could've said to someone?
Hmm.. I think everyone knows how I feel about them... I would regret not having told off more jerks.
29. Are you on youtube?
lordy no. My tomfoolery is for present spectators only.
30. What do you think about the person that last texted you?
.. umn.. I'm not going to go find my phone to se who it was... probably either Colleen or Melissa or Andy.... they're the only people I text... but either way, they're all fantastic ^_^
31. How do you like your school?
OMGz, i totelleh h8 it is zo h4rd.
32. Why did your last relationship end?
Because I needed to move on.
33. Are you friends with your last ex?
Um, i suppose. I wouldn't expressly go hang out with him, but we're on good terms.
34. Are any of your exes on your top friends?
nope. Oh wait.. Rocco.. oh no, he's just in my friends... yeah, that's it.
35. What's the last food you ate that was stale?
probably that Subway cookie.
36. Have you ever been in love?
37. Who will you never forget?
Oh, a couple people.... and not for the nicest reasons.
38. Have you ever questioned your sexuality?
Yes. i don't anymore, I knows what I likes, and anyone who dosen't approve can eat a duck. (i was gonna say dick, but man, typoes make everything better)
39. What are you afraid of?
Spiders and spiderwebs. Anything that produces it's own thread. I hate textile factories.
40. What do you look for in a relationship?
great tits and a hot cock. Seriously? Pfft, someone I';m comfortable with who won't judge me.
41. Would you ever consider having a relationship with your best friend?
::cries:: she :;sniff:: she.. Oh, I cannot bear to speak on it!
42. What piercings do you want to get?
A couple. Verticle labret. Mostly I just want to change up the jewelry in things i have.
43. Have your friends ever seen you cry?
Possibly. The ones that have stuck around long enough.
44. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
45. Can you do a push-up?
hah, that depends on how forgiving you definition of push-up is.
46. Are you self conscious about your weight at all?
A bit, actually. Though really, it;s not a weight thing, it's a fitness thing. I want to be more in shape, but i have zero motivation.
47. Have you ever had a panic attack?
Not a real one.
48. Name the last time you got really anxious.
Driving. My car is a craszy thing, and I hope it lasts the winter without killing me.
49. Would you ever consider moving back to your hometown?
bleagh. as soon as I'm out, i'm out for good this time.
50. Describe your laugh?
it varies.
51. What do you think about the person that last commented you?
::blink:: you think i check this fucking thing often enough to know who the fuck that is?? OK, here goes.. she;s a whore. I don't know who it was, but she's a whore.
52. How did you meet the last person you kissed?
By way of Teh Brian.
53. Are you currently going out with that person? Why?
Yes. why the fuck do you cafre? obviously i see something worthwhile in him.
54. Can you do the Crank Dat dance?
.. the what now?
55. Who sings the song you last sang?
probably Dan Bern..
56. Have you ever modeled for anything?
Not really.. I'd like to, but I don';t know how to get into that whole scene..
57. Plans for this weekend?
Friday night movie night... mebbe see Jackie on Saturday if she got my massage (I should tell her again, just to be sureXD)
58. How was last weekend?
Pretty coo. Thanksgiving fouled up my sense of days, and I had to work with THE dumbest people on the planet -_- sweet jesus, how someone could reach thirty at this level; of intellect is beyond me.
59. Have you ever been to California?
nope, like to though. San Diego Comi-Con! woo!
60. How about New York City?
yep. i'm gonna miss not traveling for New Year's
61. What's your favorite color to wear?
black accented with something bright, like magenta, teal, or purple.