More Poetry

Apr 17, 2010 21:33

Here's just a quick couple of poems I slapped together tonight:

Boxford Stop Sign

It’s been erased


At least, in the eyes of the town government

But it’s still there

Still plain to see

Under the half-hearted spray paint covering

That makes you wonder if

The contractor the town hired

Didn’t take a look at it

And just think

“You know, there’s a point there,

And it’s not like it hurts anyone”

And so he left the crude green graffiti

That changes the sign to read

“Stop War”

There are Worse Things

There are many worse things

Than being stuck outside

After the show

Without a car or ride

There are many worse things

Than the wonderfully damp spring night

That surrounds you with the warm smell

Of the fire some intrepid soul managed to light

There are many worse things

Than sitting on a rock you imagine

Was set there by Puritans in ages past

But was probably put there 20 years ago

When this lawn was last landscaped

There are many worse things

Than listening and waiting

For the jet engine hum

Of slow tires on wet pavement

And watching headlights on picket fences

There are many worse things

And I’ll forget them now

To focus

On the beauty before me


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