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Comments 6

iseult_variante January 8 2009, 04:27:10 UTC
Gah, the Master/Doctor one is so upsetting! The Blair/Chuck is perrrrfect, and hee hee hee, poor Methos.

(Wow, that was a lot of ficlets! Go you!)


thepouncer January 8 2009, 20:56:49 UTC
The DW finale that season had so much potential for darkness, eeep.

Chuck and Blair are my favorites. As is Methos, always. I had so much fun writing them all :)


elzed January 8 2009, 09:54:59 UTC
Oh, old skool Summer/Ryan! Very nice, too - I love how it progresses subtly from the camaraderie to the physical...


thepouncer January 8 2009, 20:57:22 UTC
Summer is always, always fun, and I love the possibilities if you match her up with Ryan.


theeverdream July 4 2010, 06:44:54 UTC
Aww, I love Break. Such a wonderful capture of a moment in time.


thepouncer July 5 2010, 04:34:33 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


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