Mar 28, 2008 05:06
so i'm roaming the internet and one thing leads to another, and i stumble upon this j-pop tv group "morning musume" and then i discover "mowota"
so, there was a girl on this tv show, miki fujimoto, nicknamed "mikitty" and "mowota" are her fanatic following and they do these group choreographed dances of one of her videos and song, and shout "mikitty" four times or so, and then "miki-sama, miki-sama punish me" (-sama is an honorific attached to names, i can't explain it better) what the hell? BIZZARE. oh those japanese. and then there's the yellow ranger dancing along too, BIZZARE. in another video of motowa at the end of the song and dance the lead guy starts beating the others with a whip as they shout miki-sama. i don't understand, maybe its late and its making it seem weirder than it its weird
the non-mowota guy in the video looks terrified! all i can figure out of what they are saying, is somepoint near the end the guy in the red and white shirt is describing why he likes miki "i love the idol... she's hot, amazing, interseting" or something like that..
also notice the miki shrine of photos behind the guys and um "over acting dolphin"... who the hell knows...
miki-sama miki-sama...