Aug 05, 2010 23:50
I know that a lot of people come from worlds where, like this one, they're hated or even hunted down for being different. Because they're from another planet or because there's something different in their genetic they're treated like outcasts, like they're not worthy of the same respect or courtesy as everyone else.
The human race can be pretty selfish, petty, and cruel. But they're also capable of overcoming those things. In my world and my time we've made great strides in equality. After humanity nearly made itself extinct they had First Contact with an alien race. We pulled our collective heads out of our asses and realized there's more to existence than just us. Xenophobic assholes still exist, but they're the extreme rare case rather than the norm.
I'm not saying First Contact is a catalyst for this change every time, because it's obviously not. But I am saying that it's possible for humanity to move past this isolationist, paranoid, spiteful existence. My world isn't perfect, not even close. Romunlans and Klingons and other species still want to wage war on everyone that isn't them. But the Federation is made up of so many species and governments all working together, celebrating our differences and recognizing they don't make one group of people better than another.
So have hope. Humanity doesn't always have to be like this. And those of you that are fighting this fight for equality on your own worlds? I want you to know that what you do can make a difference and it's not a hopeless fight. What all of us do in this world can make a difference too.
On a less intense note, I'll be heading down to Truth or Consequences this weekend. What are the must see spots and the must do events?
james t. kirk | au