[ The faint sound of breathing can be heard from a slight distance although the image isn't focused on anything in particular in the room. There is some shuffling before the speaker is finally the focus. ]
Ah, hello?
We are new here.
[ There is a slight pause in the speech. A weak laugh. The young woman breathes in deeply.]
I am new here.
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Karkat? Is that you?
[This is when she laughs.]
You must look so tiny and cute! Hah.
[Hold on, let her do the maths.]
I'm eleven something sweeps. Happy?
Oh boy, when Karkat sees you, this is going to be priceless!
[And not wearing a hoodie.]
...Okay really the line is so fucking drawn at this point. Drawn crossed and left in the fucking dust why is everybody fucking tiny and why is there a tiny me on that phone.
What the fuck, why is - fuck, I don't actually know why I'm surprised any more. This is such bullshit. What are you, like thirteen sweeps? How are you even still alive??
Thirteen whats? And what do you mean ho-- being a cop isn't that fucking dangerous if you aren't a goddamn retard. Which clearly you are. I am. Tiny me. Was I really that fucking retarded when I was your size? [Don't mind him, he is adoring the concept of being taller than himself. Yes, he is that pathetic.]
What the fuck is a cop? You mean like an earth human authority enforcer? Wow, what the fuck. I officially do not want to know anything about whatever screwed up alternate timeline you come from. I am one hundred fucking per cent content in my ignorance.
Earth human authority enf-- wait okay hold the fuck on a second. Are you seriously telling me you're an alien. Or think you're-- you know I think I remember thinking that at some point when I was too stupid to think. I mean enough fucking people think Alternians are aliens already-- but really? Really.
I -
Okay, it's official, I give up. I quit everything forever. Just when I think nothing here could possibly be worse than the shit that's already happened, I get this. Fucking hell. At least you're not a human, but I guess that's probably next!
Well technically that topic is up for a stupid fucking amount of debate, but generally speaking we're considered human, yeah.
This is probably where you tell me you're some kind of super-amazing alien God that is completely and utterly better than me and all mankind in every way, right? I think I can just hear the words cascading out of your mouth like all the other hilariously fantastical bullshit you've said in the last few minutes.
What the fuck. That doesn't even make any sense. I mean you said you're Alternian, you're a god damn troll, how does that even - fuck, no, fuck this, I don't want to know. I don't want to know! I don't want to know anything else about your shitty alternate bullshit earth timeline.
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