Mar 02, 2011 17:32
[The video opens up on Sally and Amara. Sally is smiling and Amara is...not.]
Hey everyone! Amara and I have a question!
[Without saying anything, Amara moves out of the frame. She wants nothing to do with this post.]
So. [Moves so she's standing by Amara again, and locks arms with her.] 'mara here and I are shopping, and she has this crazy idea that silk or satin--I'm sorry, I almost forgot satin--are the only kind of acceptable fabric for underwear. Now I think cotton is nice, too. So what say all of you? This is completely serious as whoever loses this poll result has to make dinner.
Do not put my name to this.
[Sally just laughs.] We are waiting with baited breath!
[And she ends the feed.]
sally blevins | ou,
amara aquilla | ou,
[ seattle ]