Jan 26, 2011 14:20
Wow. This is so not the desert I was looking for, and that's not a pithy Star Wars reference.
Okay, it's not just a pithy Star Wars reference at least, but let's move on. We've got a lot of ground to cover and I can only yammer on so long before my jaw starts to hurt.
Hello, citizens and fellow interdimensional kidnapees. I am Amadeus Cho, Prince of Power, CEO of the Olympus Group, Mythslayer, and holder of a bunch of other cool-in-a-cheesy-D&D-way titles that I got saddled with by the Greek Gods. I also happen to be a pretty dang good supergenius, and more importantly the type of supergenius to not sit on his duff when there's malfunctioning reality controlling machinery just all sittin' around grabbin' people and droppin' them in the middle of New Mexico. I'm not sure what the rest of the local brain trust is doing - coughcoughcoughfindingcelebritiestosleepwithhackcough - but that's what people like me exist for. The guys who actually do stuff.
So sit back, relax, drink some overpriced fancily-named tea, and I'll have this all fixed in a week, tops. 'Cause I've got way more important stuff to do back home and expensive llama wool suits are not made for the desert.
[ truth or consequences ],
amadeus cho | ou