Oct 17, 2010 02:24
[on the screen is a large, shining, golden-yellow creature who looks rather like a cross between a lion and an eagle. If the lion and the eagle were both exceedingly happy and smiling from pointed ear-to-pointed ear, that is. He taps at the comm with one claw, and hums in an interested sort of way. It takes another few minutes before he actually says anything.]
Hello, I am the Griffin. I used to be called the Griffin-of-the-Rock, but I am now called the Griffin-of-the-Motel. [idly scratches his beak] I talked to the scientist under the ground, and he told me about your city. Is there something the matter with your city? Perhaps I could help.
[the smile gets wider, turning up at the corners, and he just sits there. Very still, smiling, until the feed times out.]
the griffin-of-the-rock | ou