Exams are over but,

May 12, 2011 21:24

I haven't been updating as regularly as I hoped I would after exams. Largely due to the fact that I've started work (sigh, barely even had much of a break) and the thing with office jobs is that you spend the whole day in the office, so by the time you get home, all you wanna do is just chill out and relax before turning in at a reasonably early hour. It's not that my job is completely exhausting, but just working 8-9 hours a day isn't quite the same as 15 hours of classes a week. So far, though, I'm feeling a lot happier at my current workplace as compared to the last time I did an internship, so all's good. :)

Anyway, back to updating with slightly outdated pictures... A few weeks back, my mum stepped down as VP of the NYPS PTA after well... quite a number of years. So Diana asked if me and my sister could put together something for her as a farewell. And we (mostly my sister) worked really hard on a video over a week or so, concurrently with my exam preparations! Wasn't exactly smooth sailing because the both of us were video noobs, although I can safely say that my sister is pretty well-acquainted with iMovie now. Pictures from the event!

Tubby bought my mum a hugeeeeee bouquet. So pretty, really love the hydrangeas!

Work work working on her Blackberry.

Camwhoring backstage - we were hiding because it was supposed to be a surprise!

Oh for those who were wondering why my mum is "Ah Meh", it's a nickname the other members gave her because you know how some people like to call their Chairman, "cheh meh"? Well, anyway, the nickname evolved till she was affectionately known as "Ah Meh".

The bouquet was so pretty it deserved more than one picture.

Diana's very cute kids! :D We all had supper together after the event heh. :)

With Aunty Phyllis who was also stepping down that night.

And one last random, unrelated picture. As you know, all things cocoquettes really brighten up my day. :D (With the exception of crappy samples, defects, or problematic stocks) We got clothing labels made in the refreshing palette of lime green, fuschia, and grey! You'll most likely find these on our clothings for all manufactured pieces from now on, although there may be a couple of batches that may not come with them because there was a batch of stocks that were already in the midst of manufacturing by the time we received the clothing labels, so I'm not sure if our supplier managed to pass the factory our labels in time. (But if we're gung ho enough we may just try to sew them on ourselves hahahaha.)

That's all I have for today! It's Friday tomorrow! :D And my boss says we can wear jeans hahaha. I'm wondering what footwear would be appropriate though hmmmm.
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