Apr 06, 2011 00:04
Text-only post today because after a while, food pictures every post gets a little mundane, methinks. And I know I've always complained about school, practically in every single one of my posts, but this week, school has actually made me smile on a couple of occasions, so that probably deserves a blog post too, no? :)
If you know me, you'd probably know how much I hate group projects. I just find that individual work makes more sense most of the time, because even if you're working with co-operative and productive project mates, the need to find time to meet as a group to discuss, etc just takes up too much time. Furthermore, most of the time when I have to work with strangers, our relationship usually never goes beyond being project mates. More often than not, my ex-project mates don't even remain hi-bye friends after we're over and done with the module. BUT, this sem, by sheer chance, Cel and I happened to be in a group with 2 guys (HAHA hello Sam & Jie if you so happen to be reading this) who've been the most awesome group mates ever. We're efficient when we work together and we're totally on the same wavelength, plus we can spend loads of our meeting time chit-chatting. Haha. Yay to awesome group mates, and actually being friends with them. :)
The second "miracle" this semester happened with my honours module. As part of our CA, we were assessed based on mock trials conducted. Basically, we simulate a court case with the cases assigned by our prof, and my group of 14 or 15 were assigned the role of defending Toys"R"Us. The "jury" (rest of the people in our module) will vote at the end of the mock trial, and the prof will announce the winner based on votes. Pretty much my whole group were strangers to me, except for Kevin. The funny thing is that right from the start, when I read the case, I was like OMG WTH it's so obvious Toys"R"Us is gonna lose cuz we're so obviously acting anti-competitively. But, as we worked with the rest of the group, our group leader was always super encouraging and caring and actually started believing in our case, that Toys"R"Us was innocent, after doing more research. Well, guess what, we managed to convince the jury that we were innocent and we actually won the case by a pretty large margin. :D It was awesome working with this huge group of people too because I got to meet quite a few year 4s who were really nice, and also other year 3s whom I can take honours mods with next time heh heh. And everyone was generally co-operative and easy to work with, so thumbs up to the Toys"R"Us group for believing in ourselves, for all the laughs and drama (during the trial, cross-examining the cross-examiners, haha epic), and actually winning the case! We took a group pic after our mock trial, but I haven't received it yet so I'll post it up when I do! Prof awarded the winning team with a toy haha, he's damn funny. :D
That was a really long rambly entry. But good things are worth noting down. :)) Night night!