Title: Scratch and Sniff
Fandom/Pairing: SGA (Ronon/Jennifer)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Summary: Drabble. Around 250 words. He was just following orders.
AN: So random. So very very random.
‘Scratch ‘n’ Sniff,’ that’s what it said.
He wasn’t sure why anyone would want to scratch or sniff the little smiling faces or why the doctor had them on her desk but what the hell, right? You only live once and he couldn’t imagine Dr Keller hiding anything dangerous. They were smiley faces, not bombs, and they were just sitting out on her desk. He hadn’t even been meaning to look at her desk but he’d come in to ask her if she wanted to get dinner, not that he was asking her on a date or anything, just as friends, of course, and then he found himself in her empty office with her desk just sitting there and then there were the little faces staring at him and he had to look.
So he paused, considered and then scratched. And then he bent his head, nose almost touching, but not quite, the little faces, and sniffed. And then sniffed again. It was familiar, an Earth scent, not a Satedan once, a fruit maybe? The ones they put in pies. Carrots? Cherries? Cherries. That was it! The face smelled like cherries!
He almost fell out of his chair, he hated being caught off guard, at the sound of the soft snort of laughter. He turned his head, faces still clasped firmly in his hand, and met the smiling, if half hidden, face of Jennifer Keller. He quirked an eyebrow at her and then gave a slight shrug.
“It said scratch and sniff.”