Mar 18, 2006 09:55
So first things first. Happy Drunk Irish People Day! :) And yes I know that this isn't the actual meaning of St Pat's Day, but being half Irish myself it gives me an excuse to a get drunk and drink apple martini's cuz after all they are green! So yes, as if everyone couldn't tell I am drunk at the moment (or at least mostly tipsy). I apologize in advance for any incoherent ramblings, it's all alcohol induced and I'll probably regret most of this entry in the morning but what the fuck who cares.
So yeah, we are in vegas celebrating Val's 21st birthday. And she's currently at Circus Circus celebrating with a certain someone whom she doesn't get to spend much time with. (side note whooo hoo for me for being able to use the word whom properly while drunken typing.) Well I suppose there will be part the second, or at least there will be tomorrow cuz I'm using Luis's computer and cynthia wants to use it now.
But one thing: VIVA DRUNKENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!