For Scottie mah wee lil softie

Sep 05, 2005 23:22

See it pays tae 'ave your own IrishGypsyWitch close at hand; NOW SEND ME COFFEE!!

Reading Coffee is basically the same as for tea.

After drinking the coffee, cover the cup with the upside-down saucer and swirl it three times in a clock-wise direction. Put it down and allow a few minutes for the coffee to settle.

Before proceeding with the reading there are a few simple rules to remember. Positions of symbols seen in the cup:

The handle represents you (the 'querant').

Symbols positioned near the handle means something is about to happen near your home.

Symbols pointing to the handle - from the left or right - means something is approaching you (a letter, visitor etc).

Symbols pointing away from the handle - from left or right - means departure (someone or something will leave).

Symbols in a vertical, top to bottom or visa versa, position indicates a time span. Those near the top (the rim) are the future; mid-way represents the present; and bottom the past. But the actual circular very bottom is unlucky. Traditionally the querant is asked to crush the bottom symbol seen after it has been interpreted.

Symbols should never be interpreted in isolation. The overall picture combining all the symbols in relation to each other, with due consideration to the size, clarity and position of each symbol in the cup will give a much more rewarding reading.

Should you find it difficult to see anything in your coffee cup in the beginning don't worry. The images will not be like a photograph, in fact they may appear incomplete, blurry and downright unintelligible. Relax! Let your mind and imagination scan the cup once or twice, turn the cup, tip it toward you or away looking at the coffee grains as you do so. Soon you will make out one image then another and before you know it they'll be leaping out at you in their dozens

Symbols and their meanings:

Angel: Good news and happiness approaching.

Ant: Determination in an activity will bear fruit
Baby or Cot: Minor worries will occupy you.

Ball: Someone known to you involved with sport or short periods of luck and misfortune.
Beans: Financial difficulties.

Bear: Facing handle - Think carefully about new decisions. Looking away from handle - You will go on an important journey.

Bee: You will make new friends and hear good news. Near handle - old Friends gathering. Going away from the handle - Old friends are seeking you. Swarm of bees - You will make an impact in a largegathering.

Beetle: A difficult task will test your mettle.

Bell: Surprising news. Near top of cup - Career advancement. Near bottom of cup - Upset, disappointment.
Two bells - Heartfelt joy.

Candle: Another person will help you succeed. Knowledge and learning.

Cat: A quarrel will disrupt your life but only for a short time.

Chain: A legal union, a marriage or business partnership.

Chair: An unforeseen guest.

Circle: Success coming around. Circle with a dot near - A new addition to the family (baby). Circle with lines nearby - Your efforts are being hindered.

Claw: Enemy.

Knife: Enemies plotting. Danger ahead.

Devil or horns: Beware of influential people around you. Danger approaches.

Dog: Good, reliable friends. Faithful partner. Near bottom of cup - Friends needing help.

Eagle: Great improvements in your life.

Ear: Surprising news will reach you.

Earring: Careful explanation needed.

Egg: Wealth and success.

Eye: Envy, jealousy.

Face: Concern for you by a loved one.

Fish: Life will become richer, happier and more attractive to you.

Flag: Danger-in-wait.

Fruit: Prosperity in your endeavors.

Gate: Opportunities for success.

Hand: Friendship and family.

Heart: Love, faith and trust.

Horse: Strength, independence.

Key: Doors opening for you.

Letter: Good financial news coming.

Lines: Straight - Trouble free progress. Wavy - difficult progress - Slanting means failure.

Man: Near handle and distinct - visitor with dark hair. Blurred image - A fair haired visitor. Arm
outstretched - he brings a gift.

Moon: Full - Love. Crescent - religious calling.

Owl: Disreputable person. Scandal.

Pear: Financial security.

Ring: Marriage. Broken ring - marriage in trouble.

Scissors: Arguments in the home.

Spider: Unexpected money on its way.

Sun: Power. Success.

Sword: Enemies will fall.

Tree: Changes for the better on there way.

Triangle: A change coming. Pointing up - change is good. Pointing down - bad.

Wheel: Fortunes will change.

The IrishGypsyWitch"The Poppet"Celtique Eluna
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