Sep 02, 2005 23:05

Seven things that scare you:

1. Loosing my children/Familia

2. airplanes

3. Psychos watching from behind the window blinds.

4. my illness(s)

5. The dark images I see and paint might actually be real.

6. Live a worthless life.

7. Heights

Seven things you like the most:

1. cuddles

2. lilies

3. ginger ice cream

4. being in love and being loved in return

5. ocean

6. My grem's stories.

7. Experience different cultures.

Seven important things in your bedroom:

1. Portrait of me Mam

2. My king size bed.

3. Feeling of Comfert

4. My collection of corsets.

5. My pillows

6. My down duvet

7. My talks with my kids cuddled on the bed

Seven random facts about you:

1. I be blind in my left eye.

2. I sleepwalk

3. I am old fashioned

4. My Grem used to teach me how to quilt by hand

5. I've had only 3 crushes & 1 major love during my 31 years thus far.

6. I am easily taken for granted.

7. I wish I had the courage when I be younger to tell all my "so-calledfriends" who backstabbed me what fuckwits they were, instead of smiling and pretending it never happened.

Seven things you plan to do before you die:

1. Find my Soulmate.

2. Learn tae play the piano.

3. Go back tae Ireland.

4. Finish my book

5. Meet each and e'ery person I care about, whom I 'ave met online, face tae face.

6. Have my Farm

7. LIVE!!

Seven things you can do:

1. Speak 6 languages

2. Organize and run large profitable Fundrasing events.

3. Perform open heart massage.

4. See hear and talk to spirits, ghosts, etc.

5. Be forgiving and compassionate.

6. Provide for my Familia on lil or no income.

7. Be a Good Friend.

Seven things you can’t do:

1. Turn off empathy

2. Be a Bitch

3. Be centre of attention.

4. Forget.

5. Give Up.

6. Hate.

7. Be alone.

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:

1. Eyes.

2. Intelligence.

3. Presence

4. Sensitivity.

5. Honesty.

6. Values.

7. Respect for his Mother.

Seven things you say the most are known for saying:

1. Hawaza?

2. Crrrrrrap!

3. nope nope nope.


5. What the 'ell!?

6. nu uhhh

7. ~blinks~

Seven celeb crushes (whether local or foreign):

1. Johnny Depp

2. Colin Ferell

3. Liam Neeson

4. Gabriel Bryne

5. Mickey Rourke

6. Kiefer Sutherland

7. Jeremy Irons

Seven people you want to torture (see) take this quiz:

1. Scottie

2. Kevin

3. Kissie

4. Russ

5. Tear

6. Jenn

7. LaiLai
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