Mar 25, 2004 11:36
cause i'm broken when i'm lonesome and i don't feel right when you're gone away you've got a way you don't feel me here anymore...
the new version of Broken by Seether FEATURING AMY LEE! is so so so so sweet and good and brilliant beyond brilliant. it makes me want to cry and to hold on to that someone that im going to spend the rest of my life with(they're out there somewhere!)
im only 16 but i truly wish i could find that one person. i really want to feel that deep-down-heart-wrenching-breathless-love.
last night while i was at work, i was sweeping the floors. no biggie cause i always do that when we close. so this guy walks in and im thinking,"okay just get his order so he can leave and we can finish closing." i walk over to the register and ask, "hey, what can i get for you?" and he says "uh yeah, can i have change for a one?" i said "yeah, sure, you want it in quarters?" and he started to move around to the register (WARNING SIGN NUMBER ONE!) and as i go to take his dollar,
he pulls out a small silver gun...points it at my stomach and says " ya know what, why don't you just give me all of your money?"
he lifted up the change tray took all the 20's all the 10's and all the 5's and some peoples credit cards receipts were under there. he took the money and ran.
i freaked and screamed at Bryan that we had just gotten robbed and i called 911. the police showed up and i had to fill out all of this paper work and they took finger prints for a search for the guy. a detective called me this morning to get a little more information on him and he asked if i could point him out in a line-up. i said "yes sir, i'm positive i can." and the detective (Sgt. Finch...allison's dad maybe??) told me it would be a few days but they were perfroming a search with the database in Montgomery.
you never realize how quickly you can lose everything you love and hold close. i had half the mind to scream to Bryan to call 911 while that bastard was taking the money but i thought, "what if he shoots? what if he kills me?" so i just stayed quite.
what if he had shot me? would i have lived? would i have regretted anything?
everyone that has ever been a friend to me or listened to me or just made me laugh or smiled at me...the smallest thing...i love you. i realized last night lying in bed that a robbery at gunpoint was the LAST thing on my mind then. we never really think about how close we are to losing it all.
i dont mean to get all preachy but it scared me so bad.
i love each and every one of you that reads this or who doesn't.
on a lighter note, i don't work at TCBY anymore. im going to the mall today. and i get ungrounded in 4 days.
call me in 4 days and we will hang out.