
Sep 04, 2012 18:54

Give me one of my characters and one of yours and I will tell you- no matter how ridiculous the pairing- the following about their first child (if they are canonically a couple with children, I will make up an uncanon child.)
A. Name
B. Circumstances of Conception
D. Three Random Facts

are pee

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beenunmade September 6 2012, 08:36:29 UTC
A. Rowan Phillipa Veronkia Barton. (aka...why would anyone ever allow these two to name a child).
B. Clint quit SHIELD, made himself at home in good ole Canada as a PI and almost got caught without a green card. Luckily, he and Kenzi were brilliant (read: crazy) and decided to get married to keep him in the country cos it worked on television. Time went on from going from Avenging to Fae-killing. Ultimately, it led to Rowan.

  • She doesn't care who you are. She's pretty sure she already hates your guts, or will end up hating your guts by the end of any conversation you hold. Neither Clint nor Kenzi knows where she got this from but neither of them like it. Clint just figures it's a teenage girl thing and will pass (he hopes to God it'll pass).
  • Prefers samurai swords to bows and arrows.
  • Has adopted her mother's fashion sense and her father's humor. She doesn't want to meet any of Clint's friends because she hears stories. She doesn't quite like the stories she does hear because they upset her. She likes the family she has in Canada.
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