
Sep 04, 2012 18:54

Give me one of my characters and one of yours and I will tell you- no matter how ridiculous the pairing- the following about their first child (if they are canonically a couple with children, I will make up an uncanon child.)
A. Name
B. Circumstances of Conception
D. Three Random Facts

are pee

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beenunmade September 6 2012, 08:11:52 UTC
A. Phillipa, Natalie, and Ruth.
B. All are adopted...well, two out of three came from the miracle of ~science~ and the fact they had gorgeous bad ass ladies surrounding them all the time. Clintner just sort of happened after their trip to Arkham, arriving back to the world from which they so...did not want to come back too. But they were stuck. And found love in a hopeless place.

Phillipa Kenzi (Clint's genetics).

  • Is just about allergic to everything under the sun. They found this out the difficult way when Clint tried to give her cold medicine as a child and they had to spend five days in the hospital. Clint blamed himself.
  • Is a mutant! Phillipa keeps this on the down low because she understands how much daddy Bruce wants his girls to have a normal life, luckily her ability isn't that noticeable by anyone other than the only person she has told. Her sister Natalie. Her ability is technopathy.
  • Likes her fathers' lifestyles of keeping under the radar and continuing traveling. They do, however, keep a much lower profile when they have children in tow and try not to move around as much. Apparently there's something about wanting to have a normal life involved in that but when your fathers are Avengers. That pretty much is tossed out the damn window.

    Natalie Carina (Bruce/Clint's genetics -- mistake).

  • Nat wasn't supposed to happen. As SHIELD claims, someone got a hold of Bruce and Clint's DNA for a numerous amount of not good purposes and she was discovered as the final result of this. Neither parent was informed of the discovery until Natalie's fourth birthday -- trust us. Neither parent was glad either.
  • You wouldn't like her when she's angry. They've already discovered this. They don't really like it. But it brings Bruce and Nat a little bit closer than Bruce and Phillipa or Ruth. They understand each other on a deeper level.
  • Is the favorite of the trio when it comes to her Uncle Tony. Even if she doesn't get to see him often, even if Clint's afraid Tony would just be a bad influence on her. She has perpetual middle-child syndrome...it makes for rebelling easier.

    Ruth Francis (adopted)

  • Ruth was a recent addition. Neither Bruce nor Clint didn't know what to do with her, but they still took her along with them. Clint's particularly attached to little Ruth. Ever since she was an infant he didn't let her leave his side and had taken to denying Avengers-things to just take care of her. NO REGRETS.
  • Ruth is also a mutant, which is how Bruce and Clint found her in the first place. Little Miss Ruth can control moleculars. Exploding stuff, going through things, being a general trouble-maker? That's her.
  • Is aware of Clint's devotion to her...and exploits it heavily. :|
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    prosopopeya September 8 2012, 22:08:27 UTC


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