Mar 12, 2007 01:49
ok, so its been ages since i've last updated. tisk tisk tisk. shame on a nigga. lol. anywho, life's been great i cant complain... i have the most wonderful woman in the world by my side ready to fight evil alongside her man like wonderwoman next to superman. or was it superman and superwoman. or maybe lois and clark.
meh... i dunno. all's i know is that it is G-L-O-R-I-O-U-S!
mmmm and how sweet it is...
i've gained a buttload of weight, lol. so i'm gonna start dieting tomorrow, or today if you're super analytical. ha. and its not that i feel unhealthy, its just i gotta look my best you know?
i'm shooting for 30-40lbs
so y'all shoot with me! lol.
and today was fun.... i just need to pick a freakin class. :(
convention is this week!
and i lost my phone!
and my guitar!
and my tickets are cleared up!
huh?!?! i'm lost.