Time to lay it on the line:

Nov 15, 2006 02:18

Here's a fun little topic that came up in conversation tonight:

This might come as a relief to some of you, (just in case you were feeling a little embarrassed about it) but we all have them: juvenile crushes on people that aren't real...or might as well not be real.

So here's my challenge: put it in writing. What fictional TV/Movie/Literary character do you have a secret embarrassing boy (or girl) crush on? This also applies to famous people who might not adopt a fictional persona (or who's appeal transcends a number of roles) but who might as well not be real because, let's face it, you won't ever meet them.

I'll start it off, and I'll start it off right. Keep in mind that I know you're reading this, and I know you probably aren't going to respond. Don't be a sally. Do it, you won't do it. In order from most to least enamored at the moment:

1. Jaye Tyler; the main character from the short lived television show "Wonder Falls"

2 + 3. Teagan and Sara; Canadian songstressess extraordinaire. They're twins, so they get the same entry.

4. Shakira; you probably actually know who this is

5. The girl from the alleyway painting I have hanging in my room. She's like my Pygmalion. Or, since I can't really remember the details of that story, I might be like HER Pygmalion. Either way I'm okay with it.

Your turn, suckers.
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