Aug 24, 2004 11:11
So I guess I'm starting to care about politics at least a little more because I dreamed about the election last night. I was driving my car and some other folks were there with me and we were going to vote. The voting place was kind of weird. Now, I've never voted before (excluding the all-important student council and homecoming court elections) but I'm assuming this is not how it works. We pulled up and it was like a bank drive through with the little green arrow on for open, only you had to pull in to either a "Bush" aisle or a "Kerry" aisle. That was kind of meaningless though, because then you had to go inside. Some dude gave me a sheet of paper and I sat down at a table in a room full of tables, there wasn't a whole lot of privacy. The dude followed me and sat nearby, I'm assuming in case I had questions. On the sheet of paper there were all these weird questions that I can't remember, but they were more like word games than questions and I didn't know what to do. The sheet reminded me more of a kids menu from Bob Evans with all the little jumbles and word searches than a ballot, and I told the dude that. He was confused, but some nearby people laughed. I'm funny in dreams. Anyhow, at the end of the sheet, there was just this place where "Bush" and "Kerry" were written side by side and you had to check one. That was it, that was how I was supposed to vote. And I just sat there, and couldn't think of who to vote for. I wasn't confident either way. I thought maybe I'd vote for someone other than Bush or Kerry, but there was no space to do that on the ballot. So I finally decided my best choice was to leave it blank and I left. Kind of weird. I need a dream interpreter. I also need to find somewhere that gives a non-bias account of the policies of Bush and Kerry. Anyone know of any good websites?