Dec 27, 2008 10:37
The whole past week I stayed at Stu's house. Just me and him, and then his brother with his family came over. I pretty much had a mini vacation. I love being at Stuart's house. I feel much more at home there than anywhere else. And I do look up to his parents. He really has a wholesome family. They have such a good Christmas, with all their family and everyone opening well thought out gifts. More practical gifts as well as personal. It good that they actually communicate. Stuart got some clothes, and it was actually Buckle! Psh my parents would have got me like wall mart shit. But hey my parents would not have known anything about me. I almost was jealous of them, but really I cant do anything about it and there is no reason to be jealous. I can make my life better later. Just right now it wont be so great. I just have to stay positive and stop thinking about all the things that bug me.
I am so sick of my house. I do not want to be in it anymore. It is so lonely.. No one ever comes out of their rooms besides Jeremy... And yeah.. I do not want to hang out with him. I do not want to be around someone who talks down to foreign people, and totally uses everyone in his life. No thank you. I cant be like that, nor be around that. Its like he thinks life is a game, and that peoples hearts are nothing. He is 27 and has not even put his life in perspective. Still renting a room in a really crappy house, and a bad job. He is totally fine with it... When I am that age I hope I will be in a better situation than that.
Well I don't really feel like writing too much today even though I have a lot to say.
But here is some music I have been working on. Its pretty funny that one is metal and the other is.... whatever. Its just the first verse.. I need to re sing it because I messed up some notes but it was only the second take. I wrote the melody and chords to match with some lyrics in like 5 minutes. Then I sang it two times and called it a night and went to sleep.
Oh on other news I got asked to sing for a band but, I don't know if I have a strong enough voice yet? Oh well we will find out. I think its kind of weird that people tell me they like my singing and my voice..
Oh on a short note, Stuart and I hung out with Julie yesterday, we just talked and ate dinner then went to get coffee. I had a lot of fun, it reminded me of old times haha. Well have a good day and here is the two songs.