
Apr 14, 2008 14:14

 I am utterly, utterly exhausted today. Not sure why, either. I did *a lot* of reiki this weekend - teacher training all day on the Saturday, a group workshop yesterday. The teacher stuff is really advanced work & very intense energies, and the student certainly flushed something out of me on Sunday's share too. Busy week preparing for the first half of the course, and most of Friday I was at the Friars in Kent - aka the venue for my  fantabulous Reiki & Yoga retreat 29-31 August. Absolutely lovely place, really pleased with it, although motorway driving in the hail storms is new for me so there was scariness too!

So anyway, I type this from my bed. Got up early, did a fair bit of work (wrote the next workshop, did a bit of admin, chased some payments) plus some housework & laundry before reading another chapter of Triumph of the Moon (which I am really enjoying). I thought all this would wake me up, since I felt exhausted when I got out of bed. I was mistaken and have been asleep for an hour or so. Why am I so damn tired??

I'm rewriting the plans for my afternoon, since they required me to leave the house. I think it's important to listen to your body when it is so sleepy! Instead I will watch crappy tv from under the duvet, eat the rest of these grapes, and work on the content for my new website. Feel free to email me something entertaining if you wish. :)
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