I have marked through the books that I have already read and bolded the ones that I want to read.
1. The Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien
2. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
3. His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman
4. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
5. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling
6. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper
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I would highly recommend it be placed in your
'to be read' category.
Trust me when I say, much better than the films.
I am rereading them for the second time and it is like reading them for the first time.
All that said, forget The Hobbit and just read FOTR, TT, and ROTK.
They are so wonderful....
Jackson rewrote so much that should
have been left alone.....
e.g. in TT they are at Isengarde and
Treebeard is addressing Legolas. I love
what he says to him and Legolas' reply how he wants to visit Fangorn later if he survives
but then notes he would bring Gimli with him who uses his axe not on trees but on orcs.....
Wonderful stuff.
All left out of the film to include other stuff that was never in Tolkien's books.
Do yourself a favor and begin with FOTR
Spare yourself The Hobbit.
And what, praytell, is wrong with The Hobbit?
mode, nothing.....
here who frankly finds them annoying and
I think Jackson dismissed a lot which should
have been included in FOTR, TT, and ROTK
in order to accomodate reels of footage,
including the trite lesson on cooking rabbit...
much was left out which deserved to be left in.
A little of the hobbits and Gollum goes a long
way for me.
have been included in FOTR, TT, and ROTK..."
Agreed. Arwen wasn't necessary, honestly. I would have much preferred Glorfindel and maybe even a snippet of Tom Bombadil to a the whole Arwen/Eowyn/Aragorn love triangle. It made me spitting mad that they gave Treebeard some of Tom Bombadil's lines on TT. Although that's probably just me. =D
But I did love the bit about cooking rabbits! That part made me smile.
Totally given to Arwen
and the dialogue in Lorien was given to
Aragorn when Legolas did all the talking in
the book......
(I read where in ROTK Jackson finally realizes
he had so little that they dreamed some up)
Also Eomer was at Helm's Deep
and don't get me started on leaving Bombadil
and Goldberry..........
I really wished they had Bombadil in there. But sometimes I think it's better that way. They might have made Bombadil really really terrible. No Bombadil is better than a crappy one.
And the scouring of the Shire! That really ticked me off.
What I don't credit tho is Jackson taking words from the mouth of a Tolkien character and giving them to someone else or worse yet entire sections e.g. Glorfindel eliminated and Arwen who existed how much in the books? suddenly becomes prominent......
To me that is real nerve.
The movies WERE good, but they were shoddy interpretations of the books.
Exactly what I have felt ever since I read the books in 2004 and now rereading it comes to mind even more....
I read something last night and said outloud
"I don't remember this from last time!!"
BTW have you ever read any of the Philip Pullman trilogy??
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