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How great does this look? October seems so far away! I've been getting so excited with all the promo pictures that have been coming out and the trailer really doesn't disappoint. I love that the monsters are all actually there, even though most people probably would've wanted to computer animate them. I'm think the fact that Max is actually interacting with them and not, you know, a puppet or a stick with a monster face taped onto it will make a big difference.
I love the song in the trailer so I uploaded it to spread the looove:
Arcade Fire - Wake Up Also, I'm looking forward to all the hipster girls dressing as slutty Max for Halloween. You guys know this will happen.
On an unrelated note, I loved the last episode of House, Here Kitty, if only for the facts that cats are hilarious and Judy Greer was the PotW. Come on, the House writers must be Arrested Development fans.