Sonzai Trade Log

Feb 29, 2004 12:27

10/21 - played Sasuke's Sharingan, received Ingenious04, Pugnacious15, two October Raffle tickets, and a Konoha Candy
- played Konohamaru's Training, received ThirdForever18, Pinocchio07, and two October Raffle tickets
- played ANBU's Interrogation, received Youthful05, HeroComeBack13, two October Raffle tickets, and a Sound Candy
- played Naruto's Forgetfulness, received Pious18, Vivacious11, and two October Raffle tickets
- played Asuma's Shogi Game, received Commiserative05, Nagareboshi05, and two October Raffle tickets
- played Akamaru's Hearing, received Commiserative02/17, Harmonia03, UnseenFission10, and a White Scroll
- played Tsunade's Records, received Wind07, NoBoyNoCry13, two October Raffle tickets, and a Mist Candy
- played Chouji's Tastebuds, received HarukaKanata12, Seishun03, MoonlitNigh17, and a Basic Kunai
- played Sakura's Medicine Cabinet, received FuryofRasengan29, Altruistic01/13, Harmonia13, Kanashimi04/13, and an Orange Scroll
- played Ino's Fashion, received Ingenious15, HeroComeBack08, and two October Raffle tickets
- played Orochimaru's Deception, received Commiserative01, Insidious18, and a Training Kunai
- played Shizune's Detection, received Nagareboshi04, ThirdForever16, and two October Raffle tickets
- played Kakashi's Humming, received Tenacious20, Homecoming25, and a Green Scroll
- played Hinata's Cakes, received IWanttoSeeIt24, Wind01, and two October Raffle tickets
- played Ebisu's Lesson (fire), received ImaMadeNandomo04, Pinocchio01, Wise18, and two October Raffle tickets
- played Anko's Selection (Chouji), received Ingenious14, Homecoming02 and an Orange Scroll
- played Kiba's Scavenger Hunt, received Wind04, SasukevsNaruto29, and a Purple Scroll
+ STAFF PAY; received HokageBattle23/24/25, Tenacious06/11/16, Halloween05/06/07/12, 3rdStage05/07; YouFailed01, Homecoming17, KeeponTraining22, Obstinate13, Insidious02, Virtuoso02, Seishun10, HarukaKanata09, Sannin07, Lunch01, LastUchiha16, Festive03, LargeGroup05, Friends16, Young04, 4thStage11, Gai15, Ten04

10/6 + STAFF PAY; HokageBattle18/19/20, BestFriends15/16, 3rdStage04; Keen12, Tenacious12, Arcane10/15, Assiduous03, Snake01/08, Brothers16, Young15, MangaCovers18
- traded Humble17 for HeroComeBack15 with Mina

10/2 - recieved Halloween01/04 as update freebies
- played Orochimaru's Deception, received Go02, Confident05, HeroComeBack09, The FirstTime11, and two Training Kunai
- played Shizune's Detection, received TheFirstTime13, Harmonia14, and two September Raffle tickets
- played Kakashi's Humming, received Preeminent15, Harmonia15, and a Green Scroll
- played Hinata's Cakes, received Altruistic06, Nagareboshi10, and two September Raffle tickets

9/30 + STAFF PAY (x2); received HokageBattle01/03/05/09/10/11, BestFriends06/07/08/10, 3rdStage02/03; Vigorous06/14, Go06, Scenario04, Homecoming24, ItachiandSasuke27, Arcane07, Altruistic04, Pugnacious17, Speed15, LastUchiha02, Halloween11, Fireworks16, Itachi14, Genuises09, Jinchuuriki10, MangaCovers09/25, 4thStage05, Young09
- played Naruto's Forgetfulness, received Wind15, HokageBattle22, and two September Raffle tickets
- played Asuma's Shogi Game, received ThirdForever25, Aloof01, and two September Raffle tickets
- played Sasuke's Sharingan, received Wise14, Homecoming07, and two September Raffle tickets
- played Iruka's Test, received Ingenious20, Vigorous13, Stalwart08, a Training Kunai, and a September Raffle ticket
- played Konohamaru's Training, received Tenacious17, Namikaze07, and two September Raffle tickets
- played ANBU's Interrogation, received Illustrious03, Arcane14, and two September Raffle tickets
- played Tsunade's Records, received Aesthetic07, Seishun10, and two September Raffle tickets
- played Chouji's Tastebuds, received Wind03, Nagareboshi14, and a Basic Kunai
- played Sakura's Medicine Cabinet, received Wind06, Speed09, Yurayura04, Avengeful15, Instinctive18, Commiserative10, an Orange Scroll, and a White Scroll
- played Ino's Fashion, received Acrimonious16, Illustrious13, and two September Raffle tickets
= LEVEL UP! received HokageBattle16, Sannin01, and Friends10
~ Konoha Sports (Kumo = August/September), received 2 Pink Scrolls, 2 Black Scrolls, 2 White Scrolls, and 2 Silver Kunai

9/15 + STAFF PAY; received Parade02/04/05, TeamSeven06/08, Seven10, Commiserative19, Insidious06, Illustrious02, Arcane12, Salvational04, Festive01/14, Jinchuuriki14, MangaCovers02, and Young20
- purchased Parade11 and TeamSeven09 from The Market
♥ MASTERED SEVEN! received HokageBattle13/14, Legends13, a Basic Kunai, and a Bronze Kunai
♥ MASTERED PARADE! received HokageBattle26, TsunadesHeart25, and a Basic Kunai
♥ MASTERED TEAMSEVEN! received HokageBattle27/29, Halloween09, a Basic Kunai, and a Bronze Kunai

9/12 - traded Obstinate12 and Acrimonious19 for BestFriends05 and Member Cards with Chrys
- traded Aesthetc18, Go05, Remember14, and BeyondtheLimit01 for Young08/11 with Shiro

9/8 + STAFF PAY; received Parade07/08/10, TeamSeven10/14, Seven08, Harmonia05, Go05, ItachiandSasuke11/22, Tenacious18, 3rdStage11, Festive03, Snake13, and MangaCover06

9/7 - traded Halloween04 and Namikaze03 for BestFriends04 and FarewellFriend05 with Heather
- traded FatherandSon03/04 for Sedate11/15 with Kai
♥ MASTERED SEDATE! received Tenacious08, TheFirstTime13, and a Bronze Kunai

9/5 - traded Astute17 and Stalwart03 for Tenacious01 and Sedate18 with Itsuka

9/4 - traded Competitive14, Steadfast03, Eight11, Kimono04,/16, Deidara07, Kunoichi11/12 for Mangacovers36, Parade01/09/14, Namikaze01, Harukakanata01, Tenacious05/14, Illustrious15, Wise19, Assiduous10, Itachi01, Naruto15 with Nyah

9/1 + STAFF PAY; received YellowMoon04/06/08, Stronger13/16, Seven06, Obstinate12, Humble17, Nagareboshi01, Namikaze03, Speed01, Festive02, Summer02, Naruto01, Seven09, and MangaCovers16
♥ MASTERED YELLOWMOON! received Sedate03, Parade13, and a Basic Kunai
♥ MASTERED STRONGER! received Sedate07/08, Halloween10, a Basic Kunai, and a Bronze Kunai

8/29 - traded Taciturn04/18 for TeamSeven05 and Sedate19 with Mina

8/28 - played Iruka's Test, received PathtoYouAll04, Speed11, Ingenious02, a Training Kunai, and an August Raffle ticket
- played Neji's Byakugan, received Commiserative03, Wise06, ThirdForever30, HokageBattle15, and an Orange Scroll
- played Konohamaru's Training, received Homecoming01/13 and two August Raffle tickets
- played ANBU's Interrogation, received Nagareboshi09, Speed10, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Tsunade's Records, received HokageBattle08, FarewellFriend20, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Chouji's Tastebuds, received PathtoYouAll07, TheFirstTime04, SobaniIruKara11, and a Basic Kunai
- played Sakura's Medicine Cabinet, received Homecoming12, Wind08, Harmonia02, and a Purple Scroll
- played Ino's Fashion, received Parade03, RoarofTears26, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Kabuto's Card, received PathtoYouAll11, Go08, Confident12, and a Basic Kunai
- played Orochimaru's Deception, received HeroComeBack03, TheFirstTime06, and a Training Kunai
- played Shizune's Detection, received Commiserative13, Nagareboshi13, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Kakashi's Humming, received YellowMoon01, FarewellFriend19, and a Yellow Scroll
- played Hinata's Cakes, received YellowMoon15, Seishun06, and two August Raffle tickets
- referred a new member (Carmen), received Aesthetic12 and Tenacious15
- purchased RoarofTears29 and PathtoYouall06 from The Market
♥ MASTERED ROAROFTEARS! received PathtoYouall09, SasukesDecision26, SurvivalTest25, and a Bronze Kunai
♥ MASTERED PATHTOYOUALL! received YellowMoon03, Seishun08, and a Basic Kunai

8/25 + STAFF PAY; received RoarofTears21/22/25, Stronger09/12, Seven07, Commiserative07, Tenacious19, Harmonia11, Wind14, Nagareboshi08, Snake10, BestFriends13, Halloween15, Young21, and MangaCovers28
- traded Sandnin03/08 for Seven05 and Layout03 with Li

8/21 - played Tsunade's Records, recieved Assiduous13, Vigorous05, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Chouji's Tastebuds, received HarukaKanata13, IWanttoSeeIt16, Kanashimi05, and a Basic Kunai
- played Sakura's Medicine Cabinet, received FarewellFriend24, HokageBattle21, TheFirstTime09, and a Purple Scroll
- played Ino's Fashion, received Tenacious02, HeroComeBack10, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Kabuto's Cards, received Ingenious19, Wind10, HeroComeBack07, and a Basic Kunai
- played Shizune's Detection, received YellowMoon13, Astute07, TheFirstTime02, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Kakashi's Humming, received FarewellFriend21, ItachiandSasuke20, and a Green Scroll
- played Hinata's Cakes, received Ryuusei09, Voracious06, and two August Raffle ticket
- played Naruto's Kagebunshin, received Altruistic19, Assiduous20, TheFirstTime01, Astute17, a Green Scroll, and a Beige Scroll
- played Ebisu's Lesson (water), received YellowMoon05, HeroComeBack12, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Anko's Selection (Tenten), received Virtuoso20, HeroComeBack01, Salvational17, and an Orange Scroll

8/18 + STAFF PAY (RoarofTears13, RoarofTears19, RoarofTears20, Stronger07, Stronger08, Seven14, Pinocchio11, Wise03, Vigorous12, Stronger14, Sandnin03, Brother12, Yuong24, and Competitive14)
- played Kiba's Scavenger Hunt, received HokageBattle02, HarukaKanata11, Enigmatic08, Harmonia12, and three August Raffle tickets
- traded AstheKazekage20 for Sedate12 with Sian
- played Ichiraku Special, received HokageBattle04, FarewellFriend06, ThirdForever07, and SasukeVSNaruto24
- played Shikaku's Shogi Game, received TeamSeven11, Halloween14, Jinchuuriki12, MangaCovers32, Puzzles06, two August Raffle tickets, and a Basic Kunai

8/17 = LEVEL UP! received Cursed16 and Young18
= CARD WORTH LEVEL UP! received RoarofTearsHL, SedateHL, and PathtoYouAllHL
- traded Nagareboshi10 for Sedate06 with Yui
- traded Ryuusei03 for Sedate17 with Heather
- traded Altruistic09, Altruistic10, and Altruistic19 for Sedate05 and TeamSeven15 with Myako
~ Scroll Trade-In; 1 Red, 2 Orange, 2 Yellow, 5 Green, 1 Blue, 1 Navy, 3 Beige, 1 White for Sedate01, Sedate14, Sedate18, PathtoYouAll13, RoarofTears10, Aloof06, NinjaCouncil2-18, NinjaCouncil3-11, MangaCovers21, Events04, FatherandSon11, UzumakiNaruto10, Hiruko29, SasukesDecision16, RetiredOldWoman16, and Ryuusei03

8/16 - donated Shippuuden Kankurou deck images; received RoarofTears06, Seven12, NinjaHandbook02, TheDealisOff26, RoarChidori30, Sandnin08, Snake12, Young12, MangaCovers30, and Layout02
- traded Sharingan25 and HeroComeBack02 for Stronger15 with Itsuka
- played Naruto's Forgetfulness, received Illustrious10, ThirdForever27, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Shikamaru's Kagemane, received Pious15, Instinctive19, IWanttoSeeIt19, and a Basic Kunai
- played Asuma's Shogi Game, received Tenacious13, SobaniIruKara01, FarewellFriend14, PathtoYouAll14, and four August Raffle tickets
- played Akamaru's Hearing, received Harmonia06, Altruistic14, Tenacious04, RoarChidori14, and a White Scroll
- played Kurenai's Genjutsu, received Snake03, Halloween03, Sannin13, Kimono04, a Green Scroll, a Teal Scroll, and four August Raffle tickets
- purchased Master Pack from The Market (Acrimonious05, Adroit01, Adroit03, Allegiant07, Allegiant13, Apprentice19, AstheKazekage20, AstheKazekage25, BeyondtheLimit01, Devoted10, FarewellFriend08, FatherandSon30, Fruits18, GaarasIdentity26, Geniuses08, ImaMadeNandomo13, Ingeious16, Insidious09, Insidious11, IWanttoSeeIt13, Kanashimi12, Kimono16, Konohamaru04, Layout01, MountainaGoGo08, Namikaze14, PathtoYouAll03, Pugnacious03, Remember06, Remember11, Remember13, Ryuusei13, Scenario12, Seishun14, Snake16, Speed07, Stronger10, SurvivalTest09, TeamSeven16, TheDealisOff01, Vivacious05, Young27, Youthful14

8/15 - traded RoarChidori22 and BeyondtheLimit24 for RoarofTears18 and RoarofTear24 with Li
- traded Aesthetic11 for Sedate09 and Member Cards with Nyah

8/14 + STAFF PAY (NakushitaKotoba09, NakushitaKotoba13, NakushitaKotoba15, Stronger04, Stronger06, Seven04; NakushitaKotoba10, Seishun13, PathtoYouAll05, Sharingan03, HiddenSphere29, Friends13, Brothers03, Flash03, Seven13, 3rdStage01) [with this many cards that I want and got randomly it looks like I'm manipulating XD; I swear I'm not]
♥ MASTERED NAKUSHITAKOTOBA! received RoarofTears04, Voracious06, and a Basic Kunai

8/13 - played Sasuke's Sharingan, received RoarofTears15, IWanttoSeeIt20, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Iruka's Test, received YellowMoon10, PathtoYouAll15, ThirdForever29, an August Raffle ticket, and a Training Kunai
- played Neji's Byakugan, received RoarofTears28, YellowMoon11, ThirdForever14, Ingenious18, and a Red Scroll
- played Konohamaru's Training, received Homecoming17, Sedate13, and two August Raffle tickets
- played ANBU's Interrogation, received RoarChidori22, Tenacious10, and two August Raffle tickets

8/12 - played Naruto's Kagebunshin, received NakushitaKotoba05, Nagareboshi10, HokageBattle30, BeyondtheLimit24, a Green Scroll, and a Beige Scroll
- played Ebisu's Lesson (Water), received Parade06, PathtoYouAll12, YellowMoon14, and a Training Kunai
- played Anko's Selection (Neji), received Alruistic09, Sedate20, and a Training Kunai
- donated Shippuuden Sakura deck images, received Avengeful19, Seven03, Young33, 2ndStage07, MangaCovers01, BestFriends11, TeamSeven04, TheFirstTime15, TheFirstTime05, and Nagareboshi15
- purchased Avengeful20, Benevolent03, Benevolent04, Reliable15, Reliable19, and Voyeuristic08 at The Market
♥ MASTERED AVENGEFUL! received Voyeuristic09, NarutosPotential08, and a Bronze Kunai
♥ MASTERED BENEVOLENT! Voyeuristic13, Wind13, and a Bronze Kunai
♥ MASTERED RELIABLE! Voyeuristic16, FatherandSon04, and a Bronze Kunai
♥ MASTERED VOYEURISTIC! received RoarofTears02, Scenario14, and a Bronze Kunai

8/9 - received Avengeful11, Young02, HokageBattle04, LightvsDark11, DeathSeal29, Kunoichi11, SnowFight13, MangaCovers05, Layout04, and 3rdStage06 for donating Shippuuden Kakashi deck images
- received Layout05 as update freebie
- traded Aloof18 for Benevolent02 with Mamori

8/7 - traded IWanttoSeeIt18 and IWanttoSeeIt21 for RoarofTears14 and Reliable03 with Nyah
- traded RoarChidori24 and Festive11 for Voyeuristic04 and Stronger05 with Li
- traded Tenacious13 for Reliable04 and Member Cards with Heather

8/6 - traded Altruistic06, Altruistic14, Arcane06, Illustrious15, and Obstinate15 for Avengeful09, Avengeful17, Avengeful18, Voyeuristic14, and Reliable02
- traded Fireworks12, Wind02, Wind03, Wind06, and Wind12 for RoarofTear05, Voyeuristic11, Stronger01, and TeamSeven13 with Nikki
- played Tsunade's Records, received HokageBattle06, Tenacious13, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Chouji's Tastebuds, received Stalwart03, Parade12, RoarChidori24, and a Basic Kunai
- played Ino's Fashion, received HokageBattle12, FatherandSon03, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Kabuto's Cards, received RoarofTears08, Confident15, Youthful03, and a Basic Kunai
- played Shizune's Detection, received Voyeuristic17, HokageBattle12, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Kakashi's Humming, received Ingenious01, Wise20, and a Green Scroll
- played Hinata's Cakes, received FarewellFriend13, Voracious20, and two August Raffle tickets
- received Avengeful02, NakushitaKotoba03, RoarofTears01, and Stronger03 from Friday's Forum Freebies
= LEVEL UP! received LargeGroup12 and LastUchiha09

8/4 - traded Salvational12 for Voyeuristic18 with Michelle

8/3 - traded Keen16, Wind09, and ComingHome09 for Avengeful17, Benevolent17, and Benevolent20 with Heather
- played Jiraiya's Raffle, received Taciturn18, Taciturn20, Benevolent14, Assiduous15, Sedate04, Allegiant01, and four August Raffle tickets
- traded DestinedMeeting27 and DestinedMeeting08 for IWanttoSeeit28 and IWanttoSeeIt29 and Member Cards with Itsuka
- traded LastUchiha01 and 2ndStage06 for Halloween04 and TeamSeven12 with elfleda
- traded Nagareboshi11 for IWanttoSeeIt18 with Kai

8/2 - traded RoarChidori17, ItachiandSasuke01, and Devoted11 for Reliable09, Benevolent01, and Benevolent05 with Li
- played Naruto's Forgetfulness, received Voyeuristic13, PathtoYouAll08, and two August Raffle tickets
- played Shikamaru's Kagemane, received Aloof18, Flagitious17, Obstinate10, and a Basic Kunai
- played Asuma's Shogi Game, received Illustrious19, Ingenious17, and to August Raffle tickets
- played Akamaru's Hearing, received RoarofTears09, RoarofTears23, HeroComeBack02, Humble16, and a Beige Scroll
- played Ichiraku Special, received PathtoYouAll02 and NakushitaKotoba11
= CARD WORTH LEVEL UP! received YoungHL and VoyeuristicHL

8/1 - traded Aesthetic17, Salvational15, Homecoming02, and Ten10 for Reliable02, Reliable13, Reliable14, Voyeuristic05, and Voyeuristic20 with Sian

7/31 - played Sasuke's Sharingan, received Wind02, Aloof01, and two July Raffle tickets
- played Iruka's Test, received RoarChidori17, Benevolent13, RoarofTears03, a July Raffle ticket, and a Training Kunai
- played Konohamaru's Training, received Flagitious05, Benevolent16, and two July Raffle tickets
- played ANBU's Interrogation, received Amnesic07, IWanttoSeeIt13, and two July Raffle tickets
- played Neji's Byakugan, received IWanttoSeeIt21, Voracious01, Altruistic06, Wind12, and a Yellow Scroll
- traded Kimono05, Taciturn17, and Sedate12 for Benevolent15, NakushitaKotoba02, and Seven11 with Yukimi
- traded IWanttoSee13 and IWanttoSeeIt19 for Voyeuristic12 and Reliable06 with Kayori
- traded Scenario10 for Avengeful13 with Heather
- played Asuma's Shogi Game, received RoarofTears30, ItachiandSasuke01, and two July Raffle tickets

7/30 - played Shikaku's Shogi Game, received Itachi08, Kiba13, Sasuke04, MangaCovers27, Puzzles05, two July Raffle tickets, and a Basic Kunai
- traded BeyondtheLimit05 for Avengeful12 with Li
- played Kurenai's Genjutsu; received BestFriends14, Cursed07, Sakura09, an Orange Scroll, and a Navy Scroll

7/28 - traded Humble11 for Avengeful14 with Fayto
- traded Vivacious17 for Benevolent10 and Member Cards with Michelle

7/26 - traded Arcane15 for Benevolent12 with Mamori

7/25 - played Naruto's Kagebunshin, received YellowMoon02, BeyondtheLimit05, a Beige Scroll, and a Green Scroll
- played Ebisu's Lesson (Water), received Voyeuristic19, Obstinate15, Wind06, and a Blue Scroll
- played Anko's Selection (Kiba), received YellowMoon12, Nagareboshi11, and a Training Kunai

7/24 - traded Assiduous03 and Assiduous15 for Benevolent08 and Benevolent09 with chanda
- traded Astute01 and Astute12 for Benevolent19 and Reliable18 with Kayori
7/23 - donated level badges; received Avengeful05, Acrimonious19, Altruistic19, Aesthetic17, TeamSeven01, TeamSeven02, TeamSeven03, Seven01, and Seven02

7/22 - played Tsunade's Records, received Tenacious14, Assiduous03, and two July Raffle tickets
- played Chouji's Tastebuds, received Aesthetic18, Taciturn17, Astute01, and a Basic Kunai
- played Ino's Fashion, received NakushitaKotoba04, IWanttoSeeIt19, and two July Raffle tickets
- received BestFriends09, BestFriends12, BestFriends00, Deidara07, FatherandSon09, FatherandSon21, Festive10, Festive11, FuryofRasengan10, FuryofRasengan20, Geniuses16, HokageBattle07, HokageBattle28, Kimono05, Snake04, Snake06, Stronger00, Stronger02, and Stronger11 for update freebies

7/20 - received Humble11 for trading 5 Member Cards

7/19 - traded BeyondtheLimit08 for Avengeful06 with Li
- traded Amnesic19 for Reliable05 with chanda
- played Kiba's Scavenger Hunt, received Jinchuuriki13, Sannin03, and a Bronze Kunai
= LEVEL UP! received Reliable20 and Sedate02

7/18 - traded Sedate15 and Devoted19 for Avengeful08 and Avengeful10 with Kayori
- played Shikaku's Shogi Game, received Halloween08, Halloween02, Jinchuuriki15, Young03, Puzzles04, two July Raffle tickets, and a Basic Kunai
- played Sasuke's Sharingan, received RoarofTears27, NakushitaKotoba12 and two July Raffle tickets
- played Iruka's Test, received PathtoYouAll01, BeyondtheLimit08, a July Raffle ticket, and a Training Kunai
- played Konohamaru's Training, recieved Voyeuristic06, Seishun01, and two July Raffle tickets
- played ANBU's Interrogation, received Devoted11, Assiduous15, and two July Raffle tickets
- traded RoarChidori28 for Reliable17 with Li

7/17 - played Jiraiya's (June) Raffle, received Insidious10, Illustrious15, Voracious15, Sedate15, and 3 July Raffle tickets
- traded HeroComeBack11 for NakushitaKotoba08 with Diana
= MASTERED ZEALOUS! received Avengeful01, Arcane06, and a Bronze Kunai

7/16 - played Ichiraku Special; received Avengeful03, Benevolent06, Reliable11, and Voyeuristic01
- received Seven00, Seven15, Pious06, Virtuoso15, PathtoYouall10, Gai07, Eight11, Steadfast03, and Ten10 as update freebies

7/15 = CARD WORTH LEVEL UP! received Avengeful00 and Benevolent00

7/14 - played Orochimaru's Deception, received Arcane16, Aesthetic11, Flagitious12, Benevolent11, and two Training Kunai
- played Shizune's Detection, received Astute12, Pugnacious07, and two July Raffle tickets
- played Hinata's Cakes, received Homecoming02, Vivacious17, and two July Raffle tickets
- received Zealous03, Zealous12, Zealous14, and Zealou16 as special update freebies

7/12 - played Tsunade's Records, received Benevolent18, YellowMoon09, and two July Raffle tickets
- played Chouji's Tastebuds, received MountainAGoGo03, Sedate12, Scenario10, and a Basic Kunai
- played Sakura's Medicine Cabinet, received RetiredOldWoman19, Pinocchio05, Reliable10, and a Yellow Scroll
- played Ino's Fashion, received Voyeuristic03, Parade15, and two July Raffle tickets
- played Naruto's Kagebunshin, received IWanttoSeeIt02, HeroComeBack11, Reliable12, Sharingan25, a Green Scroll, and an Orange Scroll
- played Ebisu's Lesson (Fire), received Voyeuristic02, Amnesic19, and two July Raffle tickets
- played Anko's Selection (Naruto), received IWanttoSeeIt01, Reliable01, and a Training Kunai

7/7 - received Benevolent07, Avengeful07, Voyeuristic07, Reliable07, TeamSeven07, RoarofTears07, and NakushitaKotoba07 as update freebies

7/5 - played Sasuke's Sharingan, received RoarofTears17 and two July Raffle tickets
- played Iruka's Test, received Salvational12, NinjaHandbook18, a Training Kunai, and a July Raffle ticket
- played Neji's Byakugan, received Salvational05, Harmonia01, and a Navy Scroll
- played Konohamaru's Training, received Hero'sComeBack14 and two July Raffle tickets
- played ANBU's Interrogation, received Altruistic10 and two July Raffle tickets
- played Shikamaru's Kagemane, received Keen16, GO!!!09, and a Basic Kunai
- played Asuma's Shogi Game, received LastoftheClan06 and a July Raffle ticket
- traded SobaniIruKara04 and SobaniIruKara12 for NakushitaKotoba14 and Avengeful15 and Member Cards with Sian

7/4 - traded Member Cards with Kayori

7/2 - traded Avengeful01 for Zealous02 with Kaze
- received Young01 for update...thing? XD; Guessing which character name was hidden in the new decks
- traded Tenacious09 for Zealous17 and Member Cards with Phisch
- traded Devoted12 for Zealous20 with Kayori

7/1 - played Kabuto's Card, received Salvational15 and one June Raffle ticket
- played Orochimaru's Deceptions, received ComingHome09 and one June Raffle ticket
- played Shizune's Detection, received RoarofTears12 and one June Raffle ticket
- played Hinata's Cakes, received Confident14 and one June Raffle ticket
- played Kurenai's Genjutsu, received Cursed11, Sannin08, and a Training Kunai
- played Ichiraku Special, received Zealous06 and Zealous18
- traded Confident14 for Zealous13 and Member Cards with Nikki
- traded Cursed11 for Zealous07 and Altruistic14 and Member Cards with Elfleda
- traded Avengeful12 for Zealous11 and Member Cards with Li
= LEVEL UP! received Tenacious09

6/30 - reeived ReliableHL, Reliable08, Reliable16, NoBoyNoCry07, NoBoyNoCry14, NakushitaKotobaHL, NakushitaKotoba01, NakushitaKotoba06, DestinedMeeting08, DestinedMeeting27, Sobaniirukara04, Sobaniirukara12, DevotedHL, Devoted12, and Devoted19 from new deck freebies

6/29 - traded Sedate02 for Zealous15 with Yui
- traded Aloof20 for Avengeful01 with Anne Rei
- traded GO!!!03 for Zealous10 with Shion
- traded Confident03 for Zealous01 with Sian

6/28 - received Starter Pack (Zealous00, Zealous09, Zealous19, Wind09, LastUchiha01, YouFailed12, RoarChidori28, IWillBeStrong17, Taijutsu08, 2ndStage06)
- played Sasuke's Sharingan, received Zealous08 and one June Raffle ticket
- played Iruka's Test, received Go!!!03, a Basic Kunai, and a June Raffle ticket
- played Neji's Byakugan, received RoarofTears16 and one June Raffle ticket
- played Akamaru's Hearing, received Instinctive04 and one June Raffle ticket
- played ANBU's Interrogation, received Wind03 and one June Raffle ticket
- played Naruto's Forgetfulness, received Avengeful12 and one June Raffle ticket
- played Shikamaru's Kagemane, received RoarofTears11, a Training Kunai, and a June Raffle ticket
- played Asuma's Shogi Game, received Avengeful04 and a June Raffle ticket
- played Konohamaru's Training, received Aloof20 and a June Raffle ticket
- played Chouji's Tastebuds, received YellowMoon07 and a June Raffle ticket
- played Ino's Fashion, received Confident03 and a June Raffle ticket
- played Orochimaru's Deception, received Sedate02 and a June Raffle ticket
- played Shizune's Detection, received Zealous03 and a June Raffle ticket
- played Hinata's Cakes, received Avengeful16 and a June Raffle ticket
- played Kiba's Scavenger Hunt, received Kunoichi12 and two June Raffle tickets
- played Shikaku's Shogi Game, received Voyeuristic10, Jinchuuriki06, Puzzles03, and three June Raffle tickets

tcg, naruto

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