(no subject)

Dec 29, 2005 11:26

Eh, I'm not really all that happy without how this turned out. I'll probably tweak it again and again and again. Like when I actually find some of the books. They're probably in the attic, but that involves taking screws out and balancing a heavy door on my head until I can get down the ladder, so I'm going to search every inch of my room first.

Until then, enjoy.

There are two things you have to remember about Marco.

He's a teenaged boy, and he is not a soldier. He's a terrorist.

The way I'm playing Marco is that he realizes that after everything is said and done, he's not a warrior, or a soldier or a fighter. He's a terrorist, utilizing hit-and-run techniques in order to eliminate a more powerful foe. Of course, no one in their right minds would call the Animorphs terrorists-- they're trying to save humanity from eternal enslavement to the Yeerks, after all-- but that's what they are.

In book 9, Cassie describes Marco with "there are times when his eyes lose their skeptical expression and grow glittery and dangerous."

Despite it not technically happening yet, so far as Marco is concerned, in Megamorphs #2, Marco is all for letting the Mercora get squished if that means the Animorphs can go home. And in book 19, Marco is willing to kill a human child to kill a Yeerk.

Marco has killed. The Animorphs try to prevent human casualty, but Taxxons, Hork Bajir, even other animals of earth, have all fallen to them. In book fifteen, Marco made the command decision to flood the base, and kill "anyone without gills". Including his own mother. She survived, but at this point in time Marco doesn't know that. ((This is actually a recurring theme throughout the series.))

Marco bottles things up inside-- he hates being pitied. It was only because Rachel was about to kill her, that Marco fessed up about his mother. Marco had had no intention of ever telling anyone about that.

But all that is hidden beneath wide grins, stupid jokes, and a healthy dose of skepticism. Even to the rest of the Animorphs, Marco comes off as the laid back guy who doesn't really care about things. On several occasions, he's come out with comments that they could just "go home and watch tv", instead of doing something suicidally stupid. Not that that has ever actually stopped him from doing said stupid things.

Marco has died for this war, after all. He may not say anything about it, he may not actively consider it, but he did die in the course of battle. Obviously, he was revived, but the fact of the matter is that even through that, he continued to fight.

Of course, stupidly suicidal things aren't the only stupid things he's done. Marco morphed a gorilla in order to stop a guy from getting mugged... and got shot at. He's morphed a dog to get into a concert, a parrot and a skunk, both to help out with Cassie's crazy "save the animals" schemes.

Marco is the security guy of the Animorphs. He's the one who tries to make sure everyone knows not to act like a group, and he's the one who makes sure they don't say anything where they can be overheard. While the others are busy worrying and planning and trying to hammer out mission details, Marco is the one worrying about them. Trying to keep them safe and alive, though most of the time it's under the guise of jokes. He has a reputation to keep, after all.

The way I've been playing Marco is that he seems pretty unaffected by the majority of what happens at camp-- changing shape is, after all, pretty normal for him. Changing colors... well, that's like being half-way between morphs. Or that he's morphed into a non-glowing, non-omnipotent Ellimist. Spaceships and aliens aren't anything really new to him-- well, ones that are human and aren't Controllers are new. The thing that really gets him is when he meets people that he knows are fiction. He tries to pass it off, be laid back and unaffected, but that doesn't really work.

Bart is the only 'fictional person' Marco feels comfortable around. Jacen... doesn't count. Because Marco has never read the EU, he doesn't get that same WTF feeling from Jacen as he does Anakin. He's not likely to recognize a whole lot of the campers because they either come from a series that was put out after his time period or they're from anime and that's just not Marco's thing.

He's probably pushing it a little every time he mentions that he's "just a normal guy", especially considering his lack of reaction to most camp maladies. But he's suspicious and paranoid, and if his hand's not being forced, he tries to consider everything.

So he's considering the camp. And he's put together some crazy theories that he really hopes aren't true... but he's going to act like they are, and not let anyone know his-- and now, Tobias'-- secrets.

Will put crazy theories in this spot, once I finish writing them up.
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