Breaking News: I saw Cliffs of Moher.

Aug 19, 2008 12:49

On the last weekend I did it! I visited Cliffs of Moher. It was quite sudden visit to one on the main tourists attractions in Ireland.
As it wasn't planned carefully it turned out not very successfull. The main problem we were absolutely unlucky with weater.
But let's see the photos and i'll tell you more.

so. We got to the Cliffs very easy without even single troubel on the road (except for Gardai speed control mobile check point, I'm not sure if I was speeding a bit). So we were there  - on the Cliffs of Moher - one of the most popular and well-known lanscape in the world. We were walking along the edge of the cliffs, observing the 'end of the world'. There is quite comfortable area for walking if you do not mind of the strongest wind. Then we made a serious mistake, instead of walking up the civilized ladder to Moher Tower, we walked to the wild part of the cliffs. Just right beyond the sign - 'do not go beyond this point. Now I know how stupid we were.
With one child aged 5 and one infant in a travel system on my chest it was very dangerous. Narrow , slippery and muddy road. Crowds of tourists,and not even an elementary fence on the edge. One wrong step and you are going to fall down hell of meters, gosh! it is a really hard way. and to be honest quite few opportunities to prepeare a good shot.

and a bit more details

Stepping very carefully we did manage to get to a dry and plain place. But the wind was abolutely furious, so one of the opportunity to reduce 'ripple' on my shots was to take as lower position as it was possible so I sat down,tripod was useless as I didn't have any dead weight to stabilize it. Any way here is the shot, note all those peoples at the edge, that is the way we made, and that is the way back.

at the entrance to the Cliffs we made and agreement with my sweet-heart it was - I should carry our  daugther until we were walking around, and of course in the wild part of the cliffs, then after we step on the hard surface again and the relaible wall would split us from the edge, she would take the baby and I would be able to make as many shots as I want. So I had started to shot to late and with the baby on my chest. But when we came back from that risky road and I was ready to take my precious load i saw this: the Rain was coming

and it was goint to be tough. We decided to fall back to our car and wait there until the weather be more pleasant, as we wanted to go up to the tower. We didn't know then that the weather became clearer only when we, sick and tired of rain, will be driving home near Lehinch.
this is the last sight of the cliffs I saw that day

photo, travel, Фотографии

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