Age: A little less than a year old.
Eyes: Black?!
Hair: Feathers/fur. The only colour image of Timi that exists is blue, but most of the art is contradictory, sooo I'm going for white with black markings.
Medical Info: . . . healthy! She's growing, but slowly. |D
Physical traits: IS A BABY GRIFFIN :|
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Pretty much anything goes! I'm taking her from the end of the story. o/
Notes for the Psychics: Timi has surprisingly normal thoughts! Will be worried about Jon Dumpling a lot, nervous and frightened (although she can overcome that fear much more easily at this point.) Think young child.
Abilities: Can scratch you? Can serve as a neckwarmer?
Okay, seriously, Timi's only real abilities are flight, and the ability to communicate easily with other mythical-type beings using a 'common language.' If she were older, she'd be strong enough to lift a full-grown man up in the air, but she's ... not. She is fairly durable, though, and her front paws are unusually nimble--she can use them almost like hands.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Talk to me for the first two! Latter two are fine, but you'll make the baby griffin cry. :(
Kissing/Hugging: Sure, why not! Although she won't really appreciate being touched by people she doesn't know.
Fighting: No.
Maim/Murder/Death: NO
Cooking: N...needs moar opposable thumbs, although she could certainly be of some help. Should be noted that Timi doesn't need to eat meat, though--at Jon Dumpling's, she seems to live on apples, bread, milk and pastry.