It's already been said, but I'll say it again

Nov 03, 2004 10:13

I seriously cannot believe this. Well, check that, I do.

Living in California, I see Asians, Mexicans, Iranians, African-Americans, Whites, Italians, Germans, Portugese and others on a daily basis. They are mostly Democrats because they want a President who will deal with possitive issues across the Atlantic, rather than negative ones (fighting a bullshit non-existent war).

Yesterday afternoon, with the flu hanging around my neck, suffocating me with the worst sore throat I've had in years, I went to my polling place in Saratoga and voted. When they asked for my name, I noticed something on the sheets. Every single fucking name on the page that had my name on it had the acronym REP next to it. I was the only one with a DEM.

It made me think. Sure, California will always be Democrat simply because we have more issues that need help than any other state. You don't see Wyoming with power failure, do you? Or having to deal with an actor-turned-governer (who happens to be a Republican).

I've met some people who live in middle-america. The "middle of nowhere" as I like to call it. And friends, if they weren't the biggest racists I have ever seen, then I don't know what they were. Even though they didn't have the 200K you needed to get the Bush tax-cut, they supported the asshole because of all of "them god damned terrorists."

Let me just say this. If President Bush (and it pains me to call him that) thinks that my home country and the people of my home country are part of the axis of evil and are terrorists then SO FUCKING BE IT! The mere fact that I have to live through 4 more years of his bullshit is insanity? And you know what? With the way these past two elections have gone, it would NOT surprise me to have a supporter of Bush come and take over the white house... maybe Cheney. I don't know.

Today, I am NOT proud to be an American. I am NOT proud to say I live in a country run by this motherfucker. I am NOT proud that I have to put up with his bullshit for another 4 years.

I was talking to someone about Bush, and the only reason they gave me for liking him was because he was a "god fearing man." I guess he/she meant that he's Christian and Kerry is Catholic.

God forbid.
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