Jan 01, 2008 10:39
sore throat runny nose. stupid me, eating too much sugar, staying up too late. well, the latter isn't really totally my fault becausei have not been able to sleep lately.
last night was new years for me. we stayed up till midnight and i made pasties. pah-stees. NOT pay-stees. pasties are yooper food. in michigan's upper peninsula the miners used to have their wives make them pasties to take to work wtih them because they were convenient. granted they were made of fried lard instead of the doughy crust we now make them with, but, being a vegetarian i see that as less of a problem.
and not to insult anyone who likes salmon, but, i think it stinks. my dad is having it for breakfast and the stench is permeating the ENTIRE HOUSE. i am shut up in my room, and have lit candles i bought for myself. hopefully it will soon smel like the aroma of baking cookies.
not that i'll be able to smell it. can't smell much of anything. except the salmon. oh well.
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