Oct 02, 2006 14:06
Customer review of shopping experience with circuitcity.com:
"No One speaks english, the call center is in india. nothing AGAINST INDIANS BUT when making a purchase, would be nice 2 be able 2 communicate. The event took 1.5 HRS of frustatration. I never recEived a conf.# so had 2 call back 2 get IT! (2 MORE HoURS)Only 2 find out the order did not "go through!" I WAS SO FRUSTARTED I TOOK MY $$ ELSE WHERE & PURCHASED FROM SOMEONE ELSE, ONLY 2 FIND THE ITEM ON MY FRONT DOOR A WEEK LATER? U WOULD HAVE 2 BE OUT OF YOUR MIND 2 DEAL WITH THESE FOLKs OR WANT TO."
If my brain had fists, it would be hitting itself.